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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/26 09:22:12 JSTLastUpdate:2018/11/12 08:59:54 JST
TITULO Studies In The Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan ()
AUTOR Masao Maruyama
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-027008-7
NOTA ()(trans. by Mikiso Hane)(LHA-0088L y LHA-0101L son mismos libros.) (This is the first English translation of Masao MaruyamaLs most important work, originally published in Japan in book form in 1952, the frame of reference for all subsequent studies of Tokugawa thought. A comprehensive study of changing political thought during the Tokugawa period, the book traces the philosophical roots of Japanese modernization. Professor Maruyama describes the role of Sorai Confucianism and Norinaga Shintoism in breaking the stagnant confines of Chu Hsi Confucianism, the underlying political philosophy of the Tokugawa feudal state. He shows how the new schools of thought created an intellectual climate in which the ideas and practices of modernization could thrive and prepared the ground for the ready adoption of Western concepts and intellectual systems in the Meiji period. The author is not only steeped in Chinese and Japanese classics but also has a profound knowledge of Western scholarship. In examining Tokugawa thought, he makes imaginative use of Western, especially German, concepts and scholarly methodology. Masao Maruyama is Professor Emeritus of Political Thought at the University of Tokyo.)


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