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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/26 09:48:42 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/21 11:57:42 JST
TITULO Japan And Its World (Two Centuries of Change) ()
AUTOR Marius B. Jansen
EDITORIAL Princeton University Press
ISBN -----
NOTA ()(Two hundred years ago Japan was a small, underdeveloped country, largely secluded from the outside world. A hundred years later, it resolved to restructure its institutions along Western lines. Today, three decades after its crushing defeat in World War II, Japan is one of the great powers in the world, and one of the small number of industrialized democracies. Focusing on JapanLs perception of the world during these last two centuries, Marius Jansen describes the changing ideas the Japanese have had of themselves and of America and the Western world as well as the ideas Americans have had of the Japanese. Long recognized as an authority on Japanese history, Professor Jansen synthesizes a lifetime of thoughtful scholarship in this series of Brown and Haley lectures delivered in 1975 at the University of Puget Sound. The author discusses the shifts in views in the light of the more fundamental mingling of traditional Japanese culture, Chinese Confucianism, and Western civilization that has taken place during this period. In two cases, he pays particular attention to individuals --one a pioneer in Western experimental medicine, another an early traveler to the West-- and to their recollections in old age of the events through which they lived. In conclusion, he examines contemporary JapanLs developing role in the context of the experience of the present generation. Marius B. Jansen is Professor of History and East Asian Studies at Princeton University.)


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