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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/26 09:58:04 JSTLastUpdate:2018/09/24 01:42:41 JST
TITULO A History of Showa Japan 1926`1989 (š)
AUTOR Takafusa Nakamura (*)
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-047065-5
NOTA (*)(trans. by Edwin Whenmouth) (š)(LHA-0076L es mismo libro. 1.For Japan, the reign of Emperor Hirohito -the Showa Era- is all but synonymous with the history of the twentieth century. It began in 1926, at a time of conflict between liberal political and cultural forces at home and military expansion abroad ; at its end, more than sixty years later, Japan faced another turning point as it grappled with economic crises and a reevaluation of its role in the world. Along the way, the nation and its people had experienced all the extremes that characterized this tumultuous century : growth, imperialism, economic depression, war, defeat, poverty, occupation, internal struggle, and finally prosperity and peace. The story is a dramatic one, with a fascinating cast of characters. In this volume, it is told by one of JapanLs most respected economists and historians. Takafusa Nakamura, an almost exact contemporary of the Showa emperor, brings alive not only the events and historical forces that shaped the century, but the effect they had on ordinary citizens. Decade by decade, he describes the way Japan looked and felt, not only to the rest of the world but to itself. He discusses not only the political and economic forces that shaped JapanLs history but also the intellectual and cultural background against which historical events took place. Especially valuable for its dispassionate and detailed look at the prewar period -the years from 1926 to the beginning of war with the United States in 1941, Professor NakamuraLs look at the Showa years brings a new and valuable perspective to the history of the twentieth century. This graceful translation makes his landmark work available to an international audience, with a new chapter on Japan after the Showa years, as it faces the dawn of a new century. 2.Takafusa Nakamura is Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo and Professor at Toyo Eiwa WomenLs University. He has served as Director-General of the Research Institute of JapanLs Economic Planning Agency and as Professor at Ochanomizu University. He is the author of numerous books in economics and history, including LThe Postwar Japanese Economy : Its Development and Structure, 1937-1994L. The Japanese-language version of this history of the Showa Era was awarded the 1993 Osaragi Jiro Prize.)


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