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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/28 23:53:12 JSTLastUpdate:2021/07/02 00:47:06 JST
TITULO Underground (The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche) (š)
AUTOR Haruki Murakami
ISBN 0-375-72580-6
NOTA (š)(It was a clear spring day, Monday, March 20, 1995, when five members of the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo conducted chemical warfare on the Tokyo subway system using sarin, a poison gas twenty-six times as deadly as cyanide. The unthinkable had happened, a major urban transit system had become the target of a terrorist attack.^@In an attempt to discover why, Haruki Murakami, internationally acclaimed author of LThe Wind-Up Bird ChronicleL and arguably JapanLs most important contemporary novelist, talked to the people who lived through the catastrophe --from a Subway Authority employee with survivor guilt, to a fashion salesman with more venom for the media than for the perpetrators, to a young cult member who vehemently condemns the attack though he has not quit Aum.^@Through these and many other voices, Murakami exposes intriguing aspects of the Japanese psyche. And as he discerns the fundamental issues leading to the attack, we achieve a clear vision of an event that could occur anytime, anywhere. Hauntingly compelling and inescapably important, LUndergroundL is a powerful work of journalistic literature from one of the worldLs most perceptive writers.)


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