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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/29 00:22:53 JSTLastUpdate:2021/05/30 04:25:35 JST
TITULO Still Lives (★)
AUTOR Natsuki Ikezawa
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2185-2
NOTA (★)(Translated by Dennis Keene/ Titulo original : スティル・ライフ/ As the title itself suggests, all four of the stories in this collection are in some way about people moving away from ordinary life, seeing things from a distance, as though looking at their world through the window of a spaceship moving into orbit. In the last and most daring piece of all, an international team is sent to explore a ruined site in northern Afghanistan. A helicopter crash reduces their number to two, a Japanese and a Frenchman, who decide to press on. Watched by a high, circling eagle, they find what appears to be a ruined citadel, among whose stones they hear a form of music so strange it seems to call to them from another world./ And the longer they stay the deeper they are drawn into it, until they´re forced to choose : to return, or to go beyond.... Here, and we hope in other collections to come, readers will encounter a rare writer whose work attains the highest level of imagination, yet remains always anchored in a reassuring normality. Welcome to ´a brave new lyrical world.´/ ◆Natsuki Ikezawa was born in 1945 in Hokkaido, in the far north of Japan. He entered the department of science and engineering at Saitama University, but left before completing the course. For three years in the mid-seventies, he lived in Greece. His ´Still Life´ was awarded the prestigious Akutagawa Prize in 1987, and his fiction --novels and short stories-- has since won numerous other prizes. He now lives in the far south of Japan, in Okinawa.)


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