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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/11/29 00:56:16 JSTLastUpdate:2021/02/04 03:55:06 JST
TITULO The Samurai (š)
AUTOR Shusaku Endo
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1996-3
NOTA (š)(trans. by Van C. Gessel)(LNI-0334L es mismo libro.)(LThe SamuraiL is an exciting new historical novel that retraces the steps of some of the first Japanese to set foot on European soil --an adventure no less daunting in its way than the first landing on the moon. Rokuemon Hasekura, a low-ranking samurai, is chosen as one of four Japanese envoys to the Viceroy of Mexico and Pope Paul V. They set sail in 1613 in the company of an ambitious Franciscan missionary, who intends to bargain trading privileges with the West against the right to make converts in Japan. The journey lasts four years and leads from Mexico to Rome, where they are persuaded that the success of their mission depends on their conversion to Christianity.... ŸShusaku Endo was born in Tokyo in 1923. After his parents divorced, he and his mother converted to Catholicism. He graduated in French literature from Keio University, then studied for several years in Lyons on a government scholarship, before embarking on a career as a writer. Among his novels are : LThe Sea and PoisonL,LSilenceL,LVolcanoL, When I WhistleL, and LWonderful FoolL. He was elected to the Japan Academy in 1981, and has won virtually every major literary prize available in Japan. Many of his works have been translated into other languages.)


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