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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/12/05 02:18:23 JSTLastUpdate:2017/04/14 03:02:13 JST
TITULO Black Belt Karate (The Intensive Course) (š)
AUTOR Hirokazu Kanazawa
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2775-3
NOTA (š)(LAM-195Les mismo libro.)(1.Karate can be practiced by anyone, regardless of physical condition or gender, and can be undertaken at any time during a personLs life. It is a martial art with a wide range of applications and benefits, enabling the practitioner to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. The training system employed in karate comprises three main areas : kihon [basics], kumite [sparring], and kata [forms]. In this book, Hirokazu Kanazawa, the most renowned karate master in the world today and the founder of Shotokan Karate-do International Federation, introduces the reader to the philosophy behind this revered martial art. He then offers a systematic approach to basic karate, clearly and concisely guiding the reader through the three spheres of its application, and providing an intensive training course that can be undertaken by anyone seriously interested in mastering the basics of karate. Kanazawa details a comprehensive guide to self study, and describes a system which, if carried out continuously and diligently over the course of a year, will enable the practitioner to attain black-belt-level proficiency in karate. Employing meticulously detailed explanations and illustrative photos, this book is designed to be easily accessible for beginners, but will also be of value to more advanced practitioners, providing an indispensable resource for students of karate the world over. This book also comes with the endorsement of the late Masatoshi Nakayama, former chief instructor of the Japan Karate Association and author of the Best Karate series, who said of KanazawaLs work :LBy following each and every page of this book as if receiving instruction directly from Mr. Kanazawa, I believe that over time, with careful practice, gaining proficiency is all but guaranteed. For anyone setting out to master karate-do, you hold in your hand a fine book indeedL. 2.Hirokazu Kanazawa, president of Shotokan Karate-do International Federation, carries on the spirit and techniques of his teacher, Gichin Funakoshi. Born in 1931 in Iwate prefecture, Japan, Mr. Kanazawa began practicing karate as a student at Takushoku University and, after graduation, became an instructor for the Japan Karate Association. He has earned many titles in competition, winning first place in kumite at the first Japan Karate Championship in 1957, and taking top honors in both kumite and kata the following year at the second Japan Karate Championship. His long career as a chief instructor dates back to 1960, when he was invited to teach in Hawaii. He has also taught elsewhere in the United States and throughout Europe. In 1979, he founded Shotokan Karate-do International Federation, which now has branches in over 90 countries. Mr. Kanazawa is the author of LKarate Fighting TechniquesL,LKarate-My LifeL and several books in Japanese on karate.)


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