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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/12/05 02:32:14 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/03 05:53:09 JST
TITULO Soul of the Samurai (Modern Translations of Three Classic Works of Zen & Bushido) (š)
AUTOR Thomas Cleary
ISBN 0-8048-3690-6
NOTA (š)(LSoul of the SamuraiL presents new translations of three seventeenth century Japanese texts that demonstrate the powerful influence of Zen on Bushido --the legendary code of the samurai. It includes LMartial Arts : The Book of Family TraditionsL, by Yagyu Munenori, the ShogunLs sword master and chief of his secret police, as well as LThe Inscrutable Subtlety of Immovable WisdomL and LThe Peerless SwordL, by Takuan Soho, the sword masterLs Zen teacher. Thomas Cleary --one of the foremost interpreters of Japanese culture --provides clear, informative explanations that demystify the sometimes-obscure imagery of the Zen teachings.@ŸThomas Cleary is one of the best known and most accomplished translators of the wisdom of Asia. He has translated LOpening the Dragon GateL, LThe Story of Chinese ZenL, LThe Art of WarL, LThe Book of Five RingsL, and LCode of the SamuraiL, as well as over seventy other titles on martial philosophy, Buddhism, Taoism, and religion.@¥TABLE OF CONTENTS@^Martial Arts : The Book of Family Traditions (by Yagyu Munenori, 1571-1646)@^The Inscrutable Subtlety of Immovable Wisdom (by Zen Master Takuan, 1573-1645)@^Tai-A Ki : Notes on the Peerless Sword (by Zen Master Takuan, 1573-1645))


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