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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/12/09 01:17:30 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/22 01:58:27 JST
TITULO The Diplomacy of Japan 1894-1922, Volume II (š)
AUTOR Morinosuke Kajima
EDITORIAL Kajima Institute of International Peace
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Russo-Japanese War) (1.LThe Diplomacy of JapanL by Dr. M. Kajima employs a unique approach to the study of JapanLs diplomatic history in that the diplomatic documents of the period are quoted in abundance and in most cases with the complete texts, some being offered for the first time in English translation. Dr. KajimaLs attitude was to let these documents speak, as it were, for themselves. LMy aim in these volumes was to describe the true facts, with impartial and balanced evaluation, based on the diplomatic archives of Japan and other states. No suppositions nor alterations have been made to these documents. While I have also had occasion to use autobiographies or memoirs of the statesmen, diplomats and other personalities of the time, such material has been kept to a minimum as autobiographies often contain self-justifications and memoirs are sometimes found to be inexact in dates and other factual material.L When the reader pursues the development of the diplomatic events with the aid of official documents gathered in this work, he will surely find it absorbing reading.LThe Diplomacy of JapanL consists of three volumes, each dealing with the momentous events in JapanLs diplomatic history from 1894 to 1922. The first volume which appeared at the end of 1976 dealt with the diplomatic side of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and the Triple Intervention that followed. The present volume, second of the series, treats the Anglo-Japanese Alliance [1st, 2nd and 3rd Agreements] and JapanLs diplomartic efforts prior to, during, and after the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance remained the principal pillar of JapanLs diplomacy for twenty years while the Russo-Japanese War had a profound and lasting influence in Asia and on world politics in the first quarter of the 20th century. It was a time of diplomatic growth for Japan as she emerged as a recognized power on the world stage. 2.Dr.Morinosuke Kajima, born in 1896, graduated from Tokyo Imperial University and entered the diplomatic service, serving in the Japanese Embassies at Berlin and Rome as well as in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo. Later, he resigned from the service to seek a wider field of activity. He has written many books and articles on diplomatic history and international affairs in general. For his book LA Study on the Origins of World War I [in Japanese]L, he was conferred the doctoral degree by Tokyo Imperial University in 1934. His other books,LA Historical Review of JapanLs Foreign PolicyL and LA History of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Great Britain [both in Japanese]L, earned for him the Japan Academy Award of 1959. He succeeded to the presidency of the Kajima Construction Company in 1938 and after the war served three terms as a member of the Upper House from 1953 to 1971. During this time, he continued his deep interest in diplomatic history and in 1966 personally founded the Kajima Institute of International Peace to encourage the study of international problems. It was on his initiative that the 34 volumes of LNippon Gaikoshi [Diplomatic History of Japan]L covering the past 100 years, were compiled by the Institute. Dr.Kajima died on December 3, 1975.)


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