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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/12/09 01:38:14 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/31 00:13:09 JST
TITULO Conflict In Modern Japanese History (The Neglected Tradition)(š)
AUTOR Tetsuo Najita, J. Victor Koschmann
EDITORIAL Princeton University Press
ISBN 0-691-10137-X
NOTA (š)(Depicting the conflict and uncertainty that have bedeviled modern Japan, this book interprets the peasant rebellions, insurrections, assassinations, urban riots, and other similar events that most historians have dismissed as aberrations in the central flow of Japanese history. The eighteen contributors explore dissent, secession, and conflict first in the 1850s and 1860s, when the Tokugawa regime gave way to the Meiji government, and then in the years from the end of the Russo-Japanese War through the mid-1920s.^@Topics included in this work are ideological conflict, political reform, peasant rebellion, samurai radicalism, bureaucratic power, generational conflict, urban riots, labor conditions, and tenant unrest. The book contains an introduction by Tetsuo Najita and a concluding chapter by J. Victor Koschmann.^@The essays here offer not only a range of revisionist analysis but also a number of methodological suggestions of new ways of analyzing modern Japanese history. The contributors unite in challenging stereotypes of conformity and corporatism as universal modes of Japanese behavior.@ŸTetsuo Najita is Professor of History at the University of Chicago. J. Victor Koschmann is Assistant Professor of History at Cornell University.^@₯CONTENTS^@œINTRODUCTION : A Synchronous Approach to the Study of Conflict in Modern Japanese History (Tetsuo Najita)^@œPART I^@Ideology as Conflict (Harry Harootunian)^@From Reformism to Transformism : Bakufu Policy, 1853-1868 (Conrad Totman)^@Action as a text : Ideology in the Tengu Insurrection (J. Victor Koschmann)^@LMen of High PurposeL and the Politics of Direct Action, 1862-1864 (Thomas M. Huber)^@The Rise and Fall of the Shoogitai : A Social Drama (M. William Steele)^@The Social Background of Peasant Uprisings in Tokugawa Japan (Hashimoto Mitsuru)^@Yonaoshi in Aizu (Stephen Vlastos)^@Pursuing the Millennium in the Meiji Restoration (George Wilson)^@œPART II^@Generational Conflict after the Russo-Japanese War (Oka Yoshitake)^@The Bureaucratic State in Japan : The Problem of Authority and Legitimacy (Bernard S. Silberman)^@The Emperor and the Crowd : The Historical Significance of the Hibiya Riot (Shumpei Okamoto)^@Growth and Conflict in Japanese Higher Education, 1905-1930 (Byron K. Marshall)^@Science, Bureaucracy, and Freedom in Meiji and Taisho Japan (James R. Bartholomew)^@The Transformation of the Japanese Labor Market, 1894-1937 (Ron Napier)^@In Search of Equity : Japanese Tenant Unions in the 1920s (Ann Waswo)^@Liberal Intellectuals and Social Conflict in Taisho Japan (Peter Duus)^@Epilogue : Parts and Wholes (J. Victor Koschmann))


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