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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/12/09 05:57:17 JSTLastUpdate:2020/07/22 00:18:10 JST
TITULO The Nanking Massacre : Fact Versus Fiction (A HistorianLs Quest for the Truth) (š)
AUTOR Higashinakano Shudo
EDITORIAL Sekai Shuppan
ISBN 4-916079-13-2
NOTA (š)(Este libro es version con tapa dura delLHA-0107L.)([from LPREFACEL] In this book we present newly unearthed information pertaining to the occupation of Nanking by Japanese military forces in 1937. We also outline the points in dispute, in the hope of inspiring a fair debate on the subject.@Japanese military personnel have been accused of slaughtering great numbers of civilians and prisoners of war over a period of several weeks, beginning with the fall of Nanking on December 13, 1937, in what is referred to as the LNanking Massacre.L The conventional wisdom concerning this topic is typified by a review of Iris ChangLs LRape of NankingL that appeared in the Washington Post. In it George Will wrote,LJapanese soldiers murdered tens of thousands of surrendered Chinese soldiers, and almost certainly more than 300,000 noncombatants.L The western world is beginning to realize that ChangLs book relies on faked photographs and hugely exaggerated accounts. However, the myth of a massacreLs having been perpetrated in Nanking, which has endured for several decades, remains largely unshattered.@If Japanese scholars had countered the massacre accusations with irrefutable evidence at an early stage, the current situation regarding this problem might be somewhat different. However, since they didnLt, the LNanking MassacreL has been accepted as fact to the point that it might as well have been etched in stone. Contemporary scholars hoping to discover the truth about events that took place a half-century ago are faced with tremendous challenge, requiring them to expend a huge amount of time and energy. The intention of this book is to establish a framework for the facts relating to situational and environmental factors prevailing in Nanking at the time of Japanese occupation. To that end, we have conducted a scrupulous examination of virtually every historical resource relating to the fall of Nanking in 1937, and a meticulous investigation of all available evidence. The results presented herein, substantiated by definitive historical records, are the fruit of research that consumed 15 years.@¥CONTENTS^CHAPTER 1 : The Road to the Capture of Nanking^CHAPTER 2 : Nanking Before the Fall^CHAPTER 3 : Assault on the Gate of Nanking^CHAPTER 4 : The Meaning of LDisposition of PrisonersL^CHAPTER 5 : Interpretation of Points in Dispute (1) : LAll Prisoners of War Are To Be Killed In Compliance With a Brigade OrderL^CHAPTER 6 : Interpretation of Points in Dispute (2) : LTake No Prisoners of WarL^CHAPTER 7 : Interpretation of Points in Dispute (3) : LWe Are Told To Kill All Prisoners ; All Units Desperately Short of FoodL^CHAPTER 8 : Fierce Battles Outside the Walls of Nanking After the Fall of the City^CHAPTER 9 : The Sweep After the Fall of Nanking^CHAPTER 10 : Requirements for Prisoners of War^CHAPTER 11 : Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone (1)^CHAPTER 12 : Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone (2)^CHAPTER 13 : Food Shortage And Unburied Corpses Pose Threats^CHAPTER 14 : Further Examination of the LNanking MassacreL^CHAPTER 15 : An Overview of the LNanking MassacreL^CHAPTER 16 : The LNanking MassacreL As War Propaganda^CHAPTER 17 : New Evidence Leads To the Conclusion That There Was No Massacre In Nanking^SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER : Reading RabeLs Diary^)


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