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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/12/12 00:15:05 JSTLastUpdate:2020/07/03 01:03:35 JST
TITULO Zen Mind, BeginnerLs Mind (Informal Talks on Zen, Meditation and Practice) (š)
AUTOR Shunryu Suzuki
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-0079-9
NOTA (š)(Zen Mind is one of those enigmatic phrases used by Zen teachers to throw you back upon yourself, to make you go behind the words themselves and begin wondering. LI know what my own mind is,L you tell yourself,Lbut what is Zen mind?L And then : LBut do I really know what my own mind is? Is it what I am doing now? Is it what I am thinking now?L And if you should then try to sit physically still for a while to see if you can discover just what your mind is, to see if you can locate it --then you have begun the practice of Zen, then you have begun to realize the unrestricted mind. The innocence of this first inquiry --just asking what you are-- is BEGINNERLS MIND. The mind of the beginner is needed throughout Zen practice. It is the open mind, the attitude that includes both doubt and possibility, the ability to see things always as fresh and new. It is needed in all aspects of life. BeginnerLs mind is the practice of Zen mind. This book originated from a series of talks given by Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki to a small group in Los Altos, California. He joined their meditation periods once a week and afterwards answered their questions and tried to encourage them in their practice of Zen and help them solve the problems of life. His approach is informal, and he draws his examples from ordinary events and common sense. Zen is now and here, he is saying ; it can be as meaningful for the West as for the East. But his fundamental teaching and practice are drawn from all the centuries of Zen Buddhism and especially from Dogen, one of the most important and creative of all Zen masters. This book is about how to practice Zen as a workable discipline and religion, about posture and breathing, about the basic attitudes and understanding that make Zen practice possible, about non-duality, emptiness, and enlightenment. Here one begins to understand what Zen is really about. And, most important of all, every page breathes with the joy and simplicity that make a liberated life possible. Suzuki-roshi says : LThe world is its own magicL --a feeling that pervades the entire book. As you read the text closely, the same statement or sequence of ideas is simultaneously simple and obvious, obscure and perplexing, and illuminating. Here indeed is a book of intense, profound, joyous reflection.@ŸShunryu Suzuki (1905-1971) was a direct spiritual descendant of the great thirteenth-century Zen master Dogen. Already a deeply respected Zen master in Japan, Suzuki-roshi came to America in 1958, intending only a short visit. But he was so impressed by the quality of LbeginnerLs mindL and the seriousness he found among Americans interested in Zen that he finally became a permanent resident, making his home in San Francisco. Through people wanting to join him in his practice, the meditation group called Zen Center came into being and, under his abbotship, grew to three major locations, including Zen Mountain Center, the first Zen training monastery outside Asia. He was undoubtedly one of the most influential Zen teachers of his time. He died at Zen Center in December, 1971, a year after this book was first published. His talks were recorded on tape by Marian Derby, who conceived the present book. The transcriptions were edited and organized by Trudy Dixon, one of Suzuki-roshiLs closest disciples. The introduction is by Richard Baker-roshi, the Dharma heir of Suzuki-roshi, who is presently carrying on Suzuki-roshiLs work in California.)


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