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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/31 06:01:28 JSTLastUpdate:2021/01/19 00:57:39 JST
TITULO Japan : A Country Study (š)
AUTOR Frederica M. Bunge
EDITORIAL The American University Foreign Area Studies
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(This study replaces the LArea Handbook for JapanL, which was completed in June 1973. Three and one-half years later, a general election was held, and the results seemed to foreshadow the end of conservative rule and the start of a new day in Japanese politics. In that election the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which had dominated the political scene since 1955, failed to gain a simple majority in the House of Representatives. The expected new era never materialized, however, and in the election of June 1980 the party registered an impressive comeback, winning a higher percentage of the popular vote for the Lower House than at any time since 1967. On the economic front the country continued to achieve substantial growth, albeit at a somewhat lessened pace during the 1970s than in the preceding decade. More significant was the enviable recovery of the economy from the oil crises of 1973 and 1979, a success without parallel among free-market countries.^@LJapan : A Country StudyL examines especially the changes that have ensued and the problems that have arisen in the period since completion of the previous book. Like its predecessor, this study is an attempt to treat in compact and objective manner the dominant social, economic, and national security forces at work and to give readers insight into the attitudes and values of the people. Sources of information used in its preparation include scholarly works, official reports of governmental and international organizations, journals, and newspapers. Available books, articles, and other documents provide important amplification at the end of each chapter. Full references to these and other valuable sources used by the authors are included in the Bibliography.^[from LPREFACEL]@¥CONTENTS^@œCHAPTER 1.HISTORICAL SETTING (Rinn-Sup Shinn)(EARLY JAPAN^THE NARA AND HEIAN PERIODS (710-1185)^THE KAMAKURA AND ASHIKAGA PERIODS (1185-1573)^NATIONAL REUNIFICATION^THE TOKUGAWA PERIOD (1603-1868)^The Shogunate and Internal Developments^Foreign Pressure and the Collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate^THE MEIJI PERIOD (1868-1912)^International Relations^LIBERALISM AND REACTION^Party Rule^Japan after World War I^WORLD WAR II^OCCUPATION AND REFORM (1945-52)^JAPAN SINCE 1952)@œCHAPTER 2.THE SOCIETY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (Emma Louise Young)(PHYSICAL SETTING^Geographic Regions^Climate^Pollution^POPULATION^THE SOCIAL SETTING^SOCIAL VALUES^Order^Harmony and Affiliation^Individual Character Development^PATTERNS OF LIVING^Urban Life^The Japanese Company^Rural Life^Women^The Aged^RELIGION)@œCHAPTER 3.EDUCATION AND THE ARTS (Jane T. Griffin)(EDUCATION^The Educational Setting^Historical Background^Education in the 1980s^THE ARTS^Visual Arts^Performing Arts^Literature, Films, Broadcasting, and Publishing)@œCHAPTER 4.THE CHARACTER AND STRUCTURE OF THE ECONOMY (Stephen B. Wickman)(PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT^GOVERNMENT POLICY AND GUIDANCE^Monetary Policy^Fiscal Policy^Public Corporations^Government^Business Relations^BANKING AND FINANCE^PRIVATE ENTERPRISE^The Corporate System^Enterprise Management^EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR RELATIONS^Employment, Wages, and Working Conditions^Labor Relations^INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNOLOGY^Construction^Energy and Power^Transportation and Communications^Research and Development^MINING AND MANUFACTURING^Basic Manufactures^Equipment, Machinery, and Other Manufactures^DOMESTIC TRADE AND SERVICES^AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHING^LIVING STANDARDS)@œCHAPTER 5.INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS (Dick K. Nanto)(BACKGROUND AND HISTORY^INSTITUTIONS FOR TRADE^Ministry of International Trade and Industry^Japan External Trade Organization^Trading Companies^International Banks^International Organizations for Trade^FOREIGN TRADE POLICIES^Export Policies^Import Policies^LEVEL AND COMMODITY COMPOSITION OF TRADE^Exports^Imports^Balance of Merchandise Trade^BALANCE OF CURRENT ACCOUNT^Services^Capital Flows^VALUE OF THE YEN^DIRECTION OF TRADE AND BILATERAL TRADING PROBLEMS^North America^Noncommunist Asia^Western Europe^Middle East^Oceania^Latin America^Africa^Communist Countries^INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND AID^MAJOR EXPORT INDUSTRIES^Iron and Steel Industry^Automobile Industry^Shipbuilding^Audio-Visual Equipment^Computer Industry^Machine Tools and Robotics^Future Export Industries)@œCHAPTER 6.THE POLITICAL SYSTEM (Donald M. Seekins)(JAPANLS PREWAR POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS^THE 1947 CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE^The Diet^The Cabinet and Ministries^Local Government^The Electoral System^The Judicial System^POLITICAL VALUES AND ATTITUDES^INTEREST GROUPS^Business Interests^Labor Unions^Agricultural Interest Groups^Professional Organizations^ConsumersL and CitizensL Movements^Minority Rights Groups^THE PRESS AND POLITICS^THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY^Party History and Basic Principles^Bases of Support^The Liberal Democratic Party in National and Local Elections^BUREAUCRATS AND THE POLICYMAKING PROCESS^The Elite Civil Service^Policymaking Dynamics^The Budget Process^THE OPPOSITION PARTIES^The Japan Socialist Party^The Japan Communist Party^The Koomeitoo^The Democratic Socialist Party^The New Liberal Club^The Prospects for Coalition^POLITICAL EXTREMISTS)@œCHAPTER 7.FOREIGN RELATIONS (Toshio George Tsukahira)(MAJOR FOREIGN POLICY GOALS AND STRATEGIES^Evolution^Recent Formulation^FOREIGN POLICY FORMULATION^Institutional Framework^Foreign Affairs in Domestic Politics^RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES^RELATIONS WITH CHINA^RELATIONS WITH THE SOVIET UNION^COUNTRIES IN ASIA^RELATIONS WITH OTHER COUNTRIES^INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION)@œCHAPTER 8.NATIONAL SECURITY (Melinda W. Cooke)(MILITARISM BEFORE 1945^THE SELF-DEFENSE FORCES^Background^Strategic Considerations^Place in National Life^Missions^Organization, Training, and Equipment^Man-power : Source and Quality^Defense Spending^Defense Industry^Conditions of Service^Uniforms, Ranks, and Insignia^Military Relations with the United States^PUBLIC ORDER AND INTERNAL SECURITY^Civil Disturbances^The National Police System^The Criminal Justice System))


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