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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/23 00:45:50 JSTLastUpdate:2017/03/27 00:34:35 JST
TITULO The 36 Secret Strategies of the Martial Arts (The Classic Chinese Guide for Success in War, Business, and Life) (š)
AUTOR Hiroshi Moriya (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 978-4-7700-3064-1
NOTA (*)Translated by William Scott Wilson (š)(1.LThe 36 Secret Strategies of the Martial ArtsLis a collection of ancient Chinese maxims that encapsulate some of the Far EastLs most cunning tactics for battle and deception -and as such offer invaluable insights into facets of the Oriental mind. Each of these strategies represents a distilled nugget of Chinese wisdom. Hiroshi Moriya, an acknowledged authority on Chinese culture and philosophy, published a book in Japanese in which he analyzed and explained these strategies. He then used examples from ancient and recent history to further elucidate their meaning. Now, renowned translator William Scott Wilson makesLThe 36 Secret StrategiesLaccessible to todayLs reader with his new English translation of both the Chinese maxim itself and MoriyaLs interpretive work. The volume is organized into six parts [Strategies for Victory in Battle, Strategies for Engaging the Enemy, Strategies for Attack, Strategies for Ambiguous Situations, Strategies for Unified Battle, and Strategies for a Lost Battle], with six chapters in each part. Some of the ideas presented will be familiar ; others will be new and counterintuitive. Short, pithy titles encapsulate each one :LBorrow a Sword to Make Your KillL,LIf You Covet It, Leave It AloneL,LCast a Brick, Pull in JadeL,LTo Catch a Thief, Catch His KingL,LSend Them to the Roof, Remove the LadderL, and so on. While these strategies offer a look into the past, they are even more valuable to todayLs reader for providing insights into contemporary China. And, like such other classics asLThe Book of Five RingsLandLThe Art of WarL,LThe 36 Secret StrategiesLgives the businessman, the diplomat, the politician, the military strategist, the martial artist, and the sports competitor keys to understanding, interpreting, and countering the actions of even the most daunting opponent. 2.Hiroshi Moriya is an authority on Chinese culture and philosophy. For the past fifty years, he has devoted himself to explaining the Chinese to the outside world. He has written over seventy books on China [in Japanese], and from the late 1940s has visited China more than fifty times. Moriya lives near Tokyo. 3.William Scott Wilson was born in 1944 and grew up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As an undergraduate student at Dartmouth College in 1966, he was invited by a friend to join a three-month kayak trip up the coast of Japan from Shimonoseki to Tokyo. This eye-opening journey, beautifully documented inLNational GeographicL, spurred WilsonLs fascination with the culture and history of Japan. After receiving a B.A. degree in political science from Dartmouth, Wilson earned a second B.A. in Japanese language and literature from the Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies in Monterey, California, then undertook extensive research on Edo-oeriod [1603-1868] philosophy at the Aichi Prefectural University, in Nagoya, Japan. Wilson completed his first translation,LHagakureL, while living in an old farmhouse deep in the Japanese countryside.LHagakureLsaw publication in 1979, the same year Wilson completed an M.A. in Japanese language and literature at the University of Washington. Two decades after its initial publication, Hagakure was prominently featured in the Jim Jarmusch filmLGhost DogL. WilsonLs other translations includeLThe Book of Five RingsL,LThe Life-Giving SwordL,LThe Unfettered MindL, The Eiji Yoshikawa novelLTaikoL,LThe Flowering Spirit : Classic Teachings in the Art of NooL, andLIdeals of the SamuraiL, whicha has been used as a college textbook on Japanese history and thought. Wilson is also the author of theLThe Lone SamuraiL, a best-selling study of the life of legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Traveling frequently to Japan for research and pleasure, Wilson currently lives in Miami, Florida.)


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