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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/30 01:52:18 JSTLastUpdate:2020/07/06 22:59:51 JST
TITULO JapanLs Quest For a Permanent Security Council Seat (A Matter of Pride or Justice?) (š)
AUTOR Reinhard Drifte
ISBN 0-333-69938-6
NOTA (š)(The purpose of this book is to examine comprehensively for the first time the historical and international background, motivation, decision-making process and policy implementation of JapanLs ambition to become a permanent UN Security Council member. Despite the negative impact of the Cold War and the hitherto failure of UN reform, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has pursued this goal for several decades. The understanding of the LwhyL and LhowL of this quest provides useful insights into JapanLs foreign and multilateral diplomacy, its quest for status reflecting its economic and political power, its efforts to transform economic power into political power, and its ability and will to shoulder more international burden. It not only shows how important multilateralism has become for Japan, but also how important Japan --as the second highest UN budget contributor and top ODA donor-- has become to multilateralism and what we may expect of Japan as a possible future permanent Security Council member.@ŸReinhard Drifte has the Chair of Japanese Studies in the Department of Politics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and was Director of the Newcastle East Asia Centre from 1989 to 1996.@¥CONTENTS : CHAPTER 1.The Security Council Issue in JapanLs UN Policy, 1956-89^Introduction^Joining the UN^UN policy during the initial years^Early moves towards the Security Council bid^Keeping UN Charter revisionism alive^LQuasiL permanent Security Council membership as a stepping stone?^Conclusions^ CHAPTER 2.JapanLs Multilateral Record and the Rationale for the Bid^Introduction^JapanLs multilateral diplomacy in the 1990s^The Gulf War, 1991^JapanLs record as a non-permanent member on the Security Council^PKO participation and the bid^Permanent membership : a matter of prestige?^Permanent membership : a matter of financial power?^Permanent membership : a matter of merit and readiness?^Conclusions^ CHAPTER 3.Gathering Support at the Domestic and International Levels^Introduction^The end of the East-West confrontation and the Security Council^Competitive pressures from Germany^A low profile policy for domestic consumption versus external lobbyism^The outcome : application by stealth and prevarication^Winning support among member states^The pros and cons of US endorsement^Support from the UK, France and Russia^Common EU position defeated by Italy^Buying Third World backing?^Conclusions^ CHAPTER 4.JapanLs Participation in the Working Group on Security Council Reform^Introduction^Historical background of security council reform attempts^Security Council reform in the 1990s^Equitable representation^Financial power as qualification^Scope of Security Council enlargement^Silence on the veto right^Improving working practices of the Security Council^Towards permanent stalemate instead of permanent membership?^Conclusions^)


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