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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/30 02:05:30 JSTLastUpdate:2020/02/10 23:51:45 JST
TITULO Alliance Adrift (š)
AUTOR Yoichi Funabashi
EDITORIAL Council on Foreign Relations Press
ISBN 0-87609-251-2
NOTA (š)(The U.S.-Japan alliance is now confronting its most critical test since its inception in 1951. With the current economic crisis in Asia, ChinaLs growing power in the international arena, and JapanLs economic decline and political immobility, the underlying assumptions that have traditionally guided U.S.-Japan relations are being challenged. The alliance itself will need to be redefined. LAlliance AdriftL offers a dynamic and informative overview of this redefining process. It presents in detail four specific case studies : trade frictions between Japan and the United States ; suspicions that North Korea was developing a nuclear program ; the vehement protests against the alliance triggered by the rape of an Okinawan schoolgirl by U.S. servicemen in 1995 ; and, finally, the strains in Sino-American relations over the issue of Taiwan and Chinese missile tests in 1996, which prompted the U.S. decision to dispatch an aircraft carrier to the region. These events were all part of the process of redefinition, which is likely to continue into the future. In an in-depth study based on extensive interviews with over 200 U.S. and Japanese government officials, scholars, and others, noted Japanese journalist Yoichi Funabashi explores the historical accounts, social psychology, and organizational forces behind this process. His articulate and thorough examination of events makes LAlliance AdriftL an indispensable work for anyone interested in the U.S.-Japan alliance.@ŸYoichi Funabashi is a columnist and Chief Diplomatic Correspondent of the Asahi Shimbun and a leading journalist in the field of Japanese foreign policy. He is also a contributing editor of LForeign PolicyL. He served as correspondent for the Asahi Shimbun in Beijing (1980-81) and Washington (1984-87), and as American General Bureau Chief (1993-97). He won the Japan Press Award, known as JapanLs LPulitzer Prize,L in 1994 for his columns on foreign policy, and his articles in Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy won the Ishibashi Tanzan Prize in 1992. His books include LAsia-Pacific Fusion : JapanLs Role in APEC (1995 winner of the Mainichi Shimbun Asia Pacific Grand Prix Award)L ; A Design for a New Course of JapanLs Foreign Policy (1993) ; LManaging the Dollar : From the Plaza to the Louvre (1988 winner of the Yoshino Sakuzo Prize)L ; LU.S.-Japan Economic Entanglement : The Inside Story (1987)L ; and LNeibu : Inside China (1983)L. He received his B.A. from Tokyo University in 1968 and his Ph.D. from Keio University in 1992.)


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