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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/30 02:10:09 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/04 05:50:28 JST
TITULO Asia Pacific Security Outlook 2000 ()
AUTOR Richard W. Baker, Charles E. Morrison
EDITORIAL Japan Center for International Exchange
ISBN 4-88907-039-7
NOTA ()(Fundamental security trends in Asia Pacific are arguably more uncertain than at any time since the end of the cold war. Although the region is recovering from the financial crisis of 1997-1998, other developments make the outlook for the new millennium increasingly unpredictable. Sources of instability include continued volatility on the Korean peninsula, maneuvering over territorial claims in the South China Sea, regional unrest in Indonesia, and renewed conflict between nuclearized India and Pakistan. More fundamental questions concern the U.S. role in the region, ChinaLs position and policies, and the key relationship between these two powers. These issues and their implications are explored in this edition of the Asia Pacific Security Outlook. The Outlook assesses national perceptions, defense issues, and the security contributions of eighteen members of the ASEAN Regional Forum. The Outlook series draws on a multinational team of security specialists, whose country reports enable the reader to compare the views of each state on current trends. The Outlook is written for both general audiences and experts. The Asia Pacific Security Outlook is a centerpiece of the Asia Pacific Agenda Project, prepared by the ASEAN Institutes for Strategic and International Studies, the East-West Center, and the Japan Center for International Exchange.)


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