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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/30 02:12:51 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/18 22:15:05 JST
TITULO Corporate-NGO Partnership in Asia Pacific (š)
AUTOR Tadashi Yamamoto and Kim Gould Ashizawa
EDITORIAL Japan Center for International Exchange
ISBN 4-88907-038-9
NOTA (š)(A manufacturer of bottled water teams up with an environmental NGO to promote the recycling of the companyLs PET bottles that were littering the streets and waters of Indonesia. JapanLs largest automobile manufacturer cooperates with a domestic NGO and local citizens to conduct exhibits of artwork by people with disabilities. A major American financial institution works with NGOs in the Philippines to revitalize a poor, urban neighborhood in Manila. And in Thailand, a womenLs cooperative collaborating with an indigenous NGO in the weaving and sale of clothing further promotes community development by branching out through a partnership with the countryLs leading oil company to buy and operate a gasoline stand. These are just a few examples of the cooperation explored in LCorporate-NGO Partnership in Asia PacificL. The book examines the emerging trends in the Asia Pacific region that have encouraged the formation of cross-sectoral partnership --the evolution of civil society, changing corporate attitudes toward philanthropy and corporate responsibility, the impact of the financial crisis, and the constraints on the public sectorLs ability to meet demands for social development. Written by researchers from the region, the ten case studies offer new perspectives on the rationale for forging links between the corporate and nonprofit sectors, and, in many cases, with the public sector as well. Given the relatively short history of corporate-NGO partnership in Asia Pacific, the experiences described in this book provide a unique and insightful look at the requirements of successful partnerships and the challenges that lie ahead for those who wish to attempt such arrangements in the future. This publication is a product of the CivilNet, an initiative of the Japan Center for International Exchange that aims to strengthen civil society in Asia and around the world by sponsoring conferences, exchange programs, studies, and information sharing.)


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