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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/31 02:11:19 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/24 01:25:47 JST
TITULO Stakeholding : The Japanese Bottom Line (š)
AUTOR Robert J. Ballon and Keikichi Honda
EDITORIAL The Japan Times
ISBN 4-7890-0997-1
NOTA (š)(With the ease of writing a memorandum to sales managers, Ballon and Honda have prepared this book about the core of corporate governance in Japan with a clarity, objectivity, and understanding that few people could muster in a lifetime.^@The authors lead us carefully along a path they have constructed in four tiers to reveal the Japanese stakeholder system.^(1)How the entrepreneur, large or small, depends on a network of stakeholders to continue business, a responsibility shared by essential employees.^(2)How this enterprise interacts in a country lacking natural resources, relying not only on the efforts of citizens, but also on public officials to promote a production-oriented economy.^(3)How in the domestic market stakeholders are at once partners and competitors and how they satisfy their financial requirements.^(4)How Japanese business adapts and applies its tenets to overseas operations in a struggle with globalization, a challenge courageously faced by means of massive economic cooperation.^And whether intended or not, this book has an added bonus : It delves deeply into the mind and substance of Japanese business, governance, and society. The reader is sure to learn many things that will prove invaluable in doing business with the Japanese, whether in Japan or elsewhere.^@ŸRobert J.Ballon is professor emeritus of Sophia University (Tokyo) and doctor honoris causa of the Catholic University of Cordoba (Argentina). He was born in Belgium, graduated from the University of Louvain (Belgium) and the Catholic University of America (Washington D.C.), and first came to Japan in 1948. His professional interest has concentrated on JapanLs human resource development and position in international business. He is the editor/author of several books, including LThe Financial Behavior of Japanese Corporations (1988)L, LForeign Competition in Japan : Human Resource Strategies (1992)L, and LJapanese Business and Financial Disclosure (2000)L. Keikichi Honda is chairman of Sun Microsystems K.K. (Japan). He was born in Kobe, Japan, and graduated from the University of Tokyo (LLB). Mr.Honda served as chief economist at the Bank of Tokyo and as board member and CEO of the bankLs subsidiaries before joining Sun Microsystems Inc. as vice president in 1996. He served as vice chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of BIAC (OECD) and is the author of several books, including LIntroduction to Financial Futures (1988)L, LCrosscultural Communications and International Management (1991)L, and LForeign Exchange --Easy to Understand (1993)L.)


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