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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/31 02:32:05 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/14 02:33:04 JST
TITULO JapanLs Big Bang (The Deregulation and Revitalization of the Japanese Economy) (š)
AUTOR Declan Hayes
ISBN 0-8048-3227-7
NOTA (š)(In LJapanLs Big BangL, Professor Declan Hayes explains the benefits for both Japan and the world if the Big Bang reforms --deregulation, adoption of international standards of accounting transparency, and the opening of its markets to real international competition-- succeed, and the disaster that looms for Asia and the world if the reforms fail.@^LJapanLs Big BangL notes how reformers in previous Japanese eras pushed through their remedies. Oda Nobunaga, the father of modern Japan, for example, incinerated the enemies who opposed his reforms. Professor Hayes, in reminding JapanLs bureaucrats of their illustrious predecessors, serves them a warning : that if they do not push through the Big Bang reforms, they will throw Japan and the world into chaos and, perhaps, themselves onto a bonfire, ultimately of their own making.@^Professor HayesL critical appraisal of JapanLs Big Bang is a welcome break from the consensus, which has previously stifled debate on JapanLs financial and economic shortcomings. His proposals --and his warning of the bonfire that awaits reform laggards-- are an important and integral part of the reform process.@ŸDeclan Hayes is Professor of International Business at TokyoLs Sophia University, where he lectures in the undergraduate and postgraduate Business and Economics programs. He has previously worked in Australia, Ireland, and Mexico during their financial upheavals, and has written extensively on the economic changes in the economies of those countries. He holds a Ph.D. from AustraliaLs Trobe University and M.A. and M.Litt. degrees from Trinity College, Dublin.)


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