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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/01/31 02:41:08 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/24 01:50:27 JST
TITULO Public Finance in Japan (š)
AUTOR Tokue Shibata
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-047028-0
NOTA (š)(This volume presents an overview of the public finance system of Japan. Eleven scholars and specialists provide a framework of the basic features of the system, from financial administration and budget formulation to taxation and disbursement of revenue. The information gleaned from these pages is particularly instructive for understanding how the financial policies of the government have contributed to the high rate of economic growth in the postwar period. Despite the relatively small size of the public sector, government interests have favored and encouraged industrial growth, and the governmentLs successful credit program, the Fiscal Investment and Loan Program, has funded the large number of public enterprises. Among current issues discussed are expanding social welfare expenditures and growing dependence on government bonds for financial deficits. The fiscal relation between the national and local governments is also examined in detail. This volume is a useful reference and guide for students of Japanese government and economy, those diong business in Japan, and scholars of public finance.@ŸTokue Shibata is Professor at Tokyo Keizai University.@₯CONTENTS^@1.General Survey (Tokue Shibata)^@2.The Public Sector in the National Economy (Makoto Takahashi)^@3.The Development and Present State of Public Finance (Yukio Noguchi)^@4.National Finance Administration (Takashi Katoo)^@5.The General Account Budget (Seiji Furuta and Ichiroo Kanoo)^@6.The Government Credit Program and Public Enterprises (Hiromitsu Ishi)^@7.The National Taxation System (Torao Aoki)^@8.Government Bonds (Masazo Ohkawa)^@9.The Local Public Finance System (Nobuo Ishihara)^@10.Financial Relations Between National and Local Governments (Junshichiroo Yonehara)^)


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