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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/02/05 23:00:01 JSTLastUpdate:2021/05/28 00:51:29 JST
TITULO Read Real Japanese (All You Need to Enjoy Eight Contemporary Writers) (★)
AUTOR Janet Ashby
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2936-5
NOTA (★)(新装版 日本語で読もう)(There is a world of difference between reading Japanese that has been especially concocted for students and reading real Japanese --that is, Japanese written for native speakers. The concocted variety might be called schoolmarm Japanese : standard to the point of insipidity, controlled to the point of domestication, restricted to the point of impoverishment. ´Read Real Japanese´ provides the real thing --essays written by lively authors, meant to be enjoyed or pondered over./ Here are essays informed by the writer´s personality, transformed by the message, moving with the flow of the whole, and shifting with the rhythm of paragraph and sentence. For students needing help, this has been provided in vocabulary lists and notes on usage. The vocabulary contains the English equivalents of the Japanese text. The notes deal with subtler matters : with grammar, nuance, idiomatic usage, and the tricky little things that particles do. Whether for pleasure or for serious study, you are sure to find something of interest and value as you read real Japanese./ The featured writers are Yoko Mori, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Machi Tawara, Shoichi Nejime, Momoko Sakura, Seiko Ito, Banana Yoshimoto, and Haruki Murakami./ ◆Janet Ashby is a freelance writer and translator who has lived in Japan since 1975. She has written a column in the Japan Times for several years on Japanese books and has a particular interest in Japanese popular culture./ ▼CONTENTS/ ●Mori Yooko (森瑤子)「逃がした魚は大きかった」 ●Sakamoto Ryuuichi (坂本龍一)「友よ、また逢おう」 ●Tawara Machi (俵万智)「心に届く言葉」 ●Nejime Shooichi (ねじめ正一)「昼寝をしている私の直木賞百万円」 ●Sakura Momoko (さくらももこ)「宴会用の女」 ●Itoo Seikoo (いとうせいこう)「天安門事件のこと」 ●Yoshimoto Banana (吉本ばなな)「幸福の瞬間」 ●Murakami Haruki (村上春樹)「狭い日本・明るい家庭」)


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