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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/02/13 00:37:46 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/07 23:20:04 JST
TITULO The Japanese Negotiator (Subtlety and Strategy Beyond Western Logic) ()
AUTOR Robert M. March
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1387-6
NOTA ()(Titulo original : {lƌ‚@ [Nihonjin to kooshoo suru hoo])(As Japanese companies increasingly internationalize, businessmen everywhere are becoming more involved in and challenged by negotiations with the Japanese. When it comes to dealing with the Japanese, however, the Westerner often finds himself puzzled and confused, confronting people from a business culture far different from his own. The ensuing misunderstandings and misconceptions may jeopardize the entire negotiation process.@^This book sets out to prevent just this sort of confusion on the part of Western negotiators by examining all the background business and cultural factors that influence negotiation. The author first looks at how the Japanese negotiate among themselves, revealing the social background and hidden dynamics of Japanese behavior and reactions. Several case studies are presented on successful negotiations concluded between Japanese and Westerners, together with the reasons for this success. Then follow case studies of a more acrimonius nature, conflict-ridden and deadlocked, and analyses of the reasons for the failure of the negotiations. The third part of the book answers such questions as what tactics and strategies are common in Japanese negotiations with Westerners, supplemented by an overall assessment of the Japanese strengths and weaknesses as negotiators. The final chapter sets out invaluable guidelines for smoother and more effective negotiations with the Japanese.@^Practical and analytical in approach, this book provides a solid preparation in avoiding the cultural traps that all too frequently are a feature of international business dealings. It is also an important text in its own right on the contemporary business psychology and culture of the Japanese, breaking new ground through the use of comprehensive case studies.@Robert M. March, an Australian, lived for fifteen years in Japan, where he was a management consultant and Professor of International Business at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. He now resides in Australia and Travels frequently to Japan, Southeast Asia, and the United States as a consultant on international negotiation and business to leading companies. He has published several books in Japanese, as well as over a hundred articles in both academic and other journals, and has produced numerous international business training manuals and videos.@CONTENTS^@PART I : EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION WITH THE JAPANESE^Chapter 1.Negotiations Among the Japanese (Everyday Japanese Negotiations, The Psychology of Japanese Negotiation, The Naniwabushi Strategy, Conclusion)^Chapter 2.International Negotiation as a Well-Managed Process (Case Study : 1.Setting Up a Joint Venture, 2.Negotiating an Overseas Mining Investment, 3.Accommodating Differences in Policy, 4.Nippon Texacom)^Chapter 3.The Japanese Negotiating with Foreign Friends (Case Study : 1.Two Broadcasting Organizations, 2.Negotiating with Your Kid Brother)^Chapter 4.Managing Japanese Accounts (Case Study : 1.The Importance of Knowing Japan, 2.A Professional American Negotiator, An Account Manager in Trouble, Conclusion)^@PART II : INEFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION WITH THE JAPANESE^Chapter 5.The Roots of Conflict (Case Study : 1.A Licensing Agreement Dispute, 2.The Three-Billion-Dollar Sugar Dispute, The Japanese Style of Conflict Escalation)^Chapter 6.Japanese Attitudes Toward Contracts (Lawyers, The Betamax Lawsuit)^@PART III : TOWARD BETTER JAPANESE-WESTERN NEGOTIATION^Chapter 7.Typical Japanese Negotiation Strategies (Normative Strategies, Rational Strategies, Assertive Strategies, Avoidance Strategies, Nonverbal Expression)^Chapter 8.The Japanese Negotiator : An Assessment (Japanese Strengths, Japanese Weaknesses, The Human Dimension)^Chapter 9.Improving Japanese-Western Negotiation (The Pre-Negotiation Stage, The Opening Stage, The Bargaining Stage, The Complication Stage, Resolving International Negotiation Problems, The Four Stages of the Strategic Negotiation Process, Using the Key Skills, The Strategic Negotiation Process : A Summary Statement)^)


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