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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/02/13 00:43:14 JSTLastUpdate:2019/02/07 21:46:41 JST
TITULO Culture and Management in Japan (š)
AUTOR Shuji Hayashi
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-394-2
NOTA (š)LLA-0063Les mismo libro. (Business management is often thought of as a set of techniques that manifest themselves in much the same form wherever they are used. In fact, however, management has a strong connection with the society in which it is practiced. In this volume, a noted economist and social observer emphasizes the cultural dimensions of management, using as his primary model Japan, a country where a westernized economy and business framework have been overlaid on a culture with strong roots in Asian traditions. Professor Hayashi, a specialist in management and information systems, shows how traditional attitudes and beliefs about time, space, and interpersonal relations affect the way business decisions are made in Japan. These beliefs and attitudes are contrasted not only with those of the Western world, but also with those of neighboring societies that share JapanLs Confucian heritage : illustrative findings are reported from a survey of Japanese, Korean, and Taiwan Chinese business executives, showing clear differences in responses to ethical problems and practical situations. It is the authorLs contention that many of the so-called non-tariff barriers cited by trade officials and business executives as blocking access to the Japanese market are merely aspects of culture. This book, combining data on management practices with the authorLs survey of and observations on his own and other societies, illuminates the cultural backdrop against which action on the world business stage takes place. Shuji Hayashi is Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo and Professor and Dean of the School of Administration and Informatics at the University of Shizuoka.)


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