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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/02/14 10:13:32 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/28 22:20:09 JST
TITULO The Japanese Influence in America (š)
AUTOR Clay Lancaster
EDITORIAL Walton H. Rawls
ISBN 63-18860 (Library of Congress Catalog Number)
NOTA (š)(To many, as to me, Mr. LancasterLs account of Japanese influences on the West will give great pleasure and profit. Complaints of the effects of Western culture on the Far East have been myriad and most of them justified. The more welcome then to have a book devoted to the reverse of the picture --the effect of Japanese art and culture on the Western scene. Few of us have had any idea of the extent of the Japanese influence, especially in gardens and architecture, and here is a clear and comprehensive account presented with clarity and charm. Mr. LancasterLs book gives us quite another side to the changing scene and how much this country has gained from its contacts with Japan --the effects of the Philadelphia, Chicago, and St. Louis expositions, and the surprising numbers of houses and gardens in the last part of the nineteenth century either direct copies or more often modifications of Japanese originals. [by Alan Priest, August 19, 1963, from LIntroductionL]@¥TABLE of CONTENTS^@I.Early Japanese Contacts with the Foreign World^@II.Far Eastern Influence on Europe Before the Nineteenth Century^@III.The Beginnings of Japanese Relations with America^@IV.The Japanese Imprint upon Europe in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries^@V.Japanese Exhibition at the Philadelphia Centennial^@VI.First Adaptations of Japanese Features in American Designs^@VII.Early Sources and Examples of Authentic Japanese Architecture in America^@VIII.The Phoenix Villa at the WorldLs Columbian Exposition^@IX.Japanese Influence upon the Chicago School^@X.The Japanese Village at the Midwinter Exposition^@XI.Japanese Contributions to the Development of the California Bungalow^@XII.The Japanese Bungalow East of the Mississippi^@XIII.The Imperial Japanese Garden^@XIV.Progeny and Transmigrations of the Japanese Buildings for the Saint Louis Fair^@XV.The Influence of Japan upon Modern Architecture in the Eastern States^@XVI.Japanese and Contemporary Buildings in the Western States^@XVII.Japanese Gardens and Landscaping in America^@XVIII.Japan and Applied Arts and Decoration in the United States^@XIX.The Imprint of Japan upon American Fine Arts^@XX.Japanese Miscellany and a Summing-up^)


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