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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/02/27 02:01:40 JSTLastUpdate:2021/02/18 04:54:28 JST
TITULO Stained Glass Elegies (š)
AUTOR Shusaku Endo
ISBN 4-8053-0624-6
NOTA (š)(Translated by Van C. Gessel, Titulo original : ’Z•ÒW [Tampenshuu])(LNI-0278L es mismo libro.)(LStained Glass ElegiesL was the first collection of short stories by Shusaku Endo to be published in English translation. Representing the best of his work in this genre over the two decades between 1959 and 1977, and displaying the full range of his talents, the dozen stories share many of the themes that are familiar from EndoLs novels : the struggle to maintain Christian faith in a Japanese context, the muted drama of hospital life, and the spiritual doubts that lie beneath the surface of everyday life.^@The stories draw generously on the authorLs experiences and, on one level, can be read as fictional autobiography. In particular, Endo explores what it means to be a member of the Lwar generationL, the group with perhaps the greatest sense of personal and national loss in the history of Japanese civilization.^@ŸShusaku Endo[1923-1996], born in Tokyo and raised in Kobe, earned degrees in French Literature from Keio University (Japan) and the University of Lyon (France). A Roman Catholic from the age of eleven, he produced a number of novels and other works abounding with Christ figures and dealing symbolically with the failure of Christianity to gain a strong foothold in Japan --a theme that is regarded as an extrapolation of his own personal conflict. Endo has been described by Irving Howe as Lsurely one of the most accomplished writers in Japan or anywhere else,L while Graham Greene considered him Lthe Japanese writer most approachable for Western readersL.@¥CONTENTS^@œA Forty-Year-Old Man@œDespicable Bastard@œMy Belongings@œFuda-no-Tsuji@œThe Day Before@œIncredible Voyage@œUnzen@œMothers@œRetreating Figures@œThe War Generation@œOld Friends)


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