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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/03/28 01:05:39 JSTLastUpdate:2021/04/06 00:44:56 JST
TITULO Japanese Etiquette : An Introduction (š)
ISBN 0-8048-0290-4
NOTA (š)(LHC-0233Les mismo libro.)(The Japanese, often called the most courteous people in the world, possess an elaborate code of etiquette which often baffles Westerners. The present book does much to explain the mystery, and also provides real insight into an important but seldom-explained aspect of Japanese life.^@Believing that genuine courtesy knows no national boundaries and that, while the Westerner in Japan is not expected to know LallL the intricacies of the Japanese code, he LisL expected to follow certain basic rules, the authors set these basic rules forth in simple, practical fashion, and also explain many of the more complicated forms likely to arouse curiosity. They also add interesting chapters on flower arrangement, tea ceremony, and annual holidays.^@With the ladies of the Tokyo YWCA as the best and kindest of mentors, the Westerner in Japan can meet almost any social situation he is likely to find himself in, confident he is not unwittingly offending his Japanese hosts and friends.^@¥CONTENTS^@œMAY WE INTRODUCE OURSELVES@œI.SALUTATIONS ^Types of Bows^Examples of Salutations@œII.VISITING ^Occasions for Calling^Time for Calling^At the Entrance^Upon Being Asked to Enter^Upon Entering the Room^After Entering the Room^Greeting Each Other^Tea and Cakes^Preparing to Leave^Leaving^How to Present a Gift^In the Japanese Room^Thanks@œIII.RECEIVING GUESTS ^Preparing the Room^At the Entrance^Conducting the Guest Inside^Conversation and Refreshments^Leaving@œIV.GIFTS ^Types of Gifts^Wrapping the Gifts^How to Offer and How to Receive@œV.AT THE TABLE ^Ordinary Meals^Table DontLs^Formal Dinners^Serving the Meal@œVI.JAPANESE DRESS ^Kimono in Relation to the Season^Bridal Attire^Formal Dress of Men and Women^Dress for the Shichi-Go-San Festival^Notes on Clothes in General^Kimono for the Young and the Aged@œVII.MARRIAGE ^The Preliminaries^The Betrothal^The Wedding^On Receiving a Wedding Invitation@œVIII.DEATHS ^Condolence Calls^Otsuya^Other Ceremonies^The Funeral^The Farewell Ceremony@œIX.FLOWER ARRANGEMENT ^Styles of Arrangement^Flowers for Felicitous Occasions^Flowers for Funerals and Memorial Services^Etiquette Concerning Flower Arrangement@œX.TEA CEREMONY ^The Tea-Room^Occasions for Tea Ceremonies^Procedures@œXI.ANNUAL EVENTS ^January^February^March^April^May^July^September^October^November^December^Birth Festivals^Celebrating Longevity^National Holidays^Pre-War National Holidays@œPUBLISHERLS POSTSCRIPT)


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