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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/03/28 02:07:34 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/12 04:08:48 JST
TITULO The Japanese Mind (Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture) (★)
AUTOR Roger J. Davies, Osamu Ikeno
ISBN 0-8048-3295-1
NOTA (★)(´The Japanese Mind´ is a collection of essays based on key concepts in Japanese culture. Each essay provides readers with in-depth yet easily accessible information on prevailing cultural values, attitudes, behavior patterns, and communication styles in modern Japan. All of the essays in this book were written over a period of several years by students enrolled in senior seminars in cross-cultural communication at Ehime University in Matsuyama, Japan. A set of discussion questions for classroom use follows each reading. These questions explore the changing nature of Japanese society from the perspective of contemporary issues in intercultural communication. We have developed this volume as a college-level textbook for two main audiences : university students participating in Japanese studies programs, and Japanese students of English with advanced levels of proficiency who will need to explain and discuss their native culture in English in order to participate effectively in an increasingly globalized world. In addition, the general reader will find a wealth of information on many aspects of life in Japan. The selections cover a wide range of topics, from those that are central to Japanese culture to others that are perhaps less well known. In their totality, they provide an informative overview of Japanese culture from the perspective of the Japanese people themselves. ´The Japanese Mind´ differs from other publications on Japanese culture in a number of important ways. First of all, the articles in this collection do not require extensive background knowledge, since they have been written with the specific goal of explaining often difficult-to-understand aspects of Japanese culture as clearly as possible. At the same time, the selections are based on thorough research in both Japanese and English, accurately documented in the form of citations, quotations, footnotes, and references. The result is a collection of essays of an academic nature that is easily accessible to lay reader. Finally, all the readings are accompanied by discussion activities designed to encourage students to explore many diverse aspects of Japanese culture and to enhance their ability to discuss these topics in a clear and coherent fashion. [from ´INTRODUCTION´] ◆Roger J. Davies holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Wales, Bangor. He is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Ehime University in Matsuyama, Japan, and is Academic Director of Ehime University´s English Education Center. Osamu Ikeno holds master´s degrees in linguistics and ESL from Kobe University and the University of Hawaii. He is Associate Professor of English Education in the Faculty of Education at Ehime University. ▼CONTENTS/ ●´Aimai´ : Ambiguity and the Japanese[曖昧]/ ´Amae´ : The Concept of Japanese Dependence[甘え]/ ´Amakudari´ : Descent from Heaven[天下り]/ ´Bigaku´ : The Japanese Sense of Beauty[美学]/ ´Bushidoo´ : The Way of the Warrior[武士道]/ ´Chinmoku´ : Silence in Japanese Communication[沈黙]/ ´Danjyo Kankei´ : Male and Female Relationships in Japan[男女関係]/ ●THE ´DOO´ SPIRIT OF JAPAN´[道]/ ´Gambari´ : Japanese Patience and Determination[頑張り]/ ´Giri´ : Japanese Social Obligations[義理]/ ´Haragei´ : An Implicit Way of Communicating in Japan[腹芸]/ ´Hedataru to Najimu´ : Japanese Personal Space[隔たると馴染む]/ ´Honne to Tatemae´ : Private vs. Public Stance in Japan[本音と建て前]/ ●THE JAPANESE ´IE´ SYSTEM[家]/ ´Iitoko-Dori´ : Adopting Elements of Foreign Culture[いいとこ取り]/ ´Ikuji´ : Childrearing Practices in Japan[育児]/ ´Kenkyo´ : The Japanese Virtue of Modesty[謙虚]/ ´Kisetsu´ : The Japanese Sense of the Seasons[季節]/ ´Nemawashi´ : Laying the Groundwork in Japan[根回し]/ ´Omiai´ : Arranged Marriage in Japan[お見合い]/ ´Otogibanashi´ : Folktales of Japan[おとぎ話]/ ´Ryoosaikenbo --(Good Wives and Wise Mothers)´ : The Social Expectations of Women in Japan[良妻賢母]/ ´Sempai-Koohai´ : Seniority Rules in Japanese Relations[先輩・後輩]/ ´Shuudan Ishiki´ : Japanese Group Consciousness[集団意識]/ ´Sooshiki´ : Japanese Funerals[葬式]/ ´Uchi to Soto´ : Dual Meanings in Japanese Human Relations[内と外]/ ´Wabi-Sabi´ : Simplicity and Elegance as Japanese Ideals of Beauty[侘び・寂び]/´Zootoo´ : The Japanese Custom of Gift Giving[贈答]/)


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