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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/04/03 01:25:43 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/10 02:14:09 JST
TITULO Ikkyu and The Crazy Cloud Anthology (š)
AUTOR (trans. by Sonja Arntzen)
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-087049-1
NOTA (š)(A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan) LPO-75Les mismo libro. Ikkyuu Soojun [1394-1481], Zen monk and poet, is an unconventional figure in Japanese literary history. An eccentric personality who defied authority and raged at the corruption and hupocrisy of the great Buddhist temples of his day, he was the authentic Zen master as well as a sensual lyricist. His poetry is among the most original verse created in the entire Zen tradition. While it is religious in intent, it reveals a warm and multifaceted individual. The core of this work is the translations from the Crazy Cloud Anthology, or LKyoounshuuL, IkkyuuLs major collection of poetry. The poems deal with both religious and secular themes : among the religious are those on purely philosophical questions within the Zen tradition ; and among the secular are denunciations of the materialistic concerns of his fellow monks, and erotic poems on his amorous relations. Yet even while writing of brothels and wineshops, he does so in a context that is profoundly metaphysical. The Ikkyuu who lives and breathes in the Crazy Cloud Anthology is the subject of the biographical section of the Introduction. The analysis section studies IkkyuuLs poetry, which is written in the classical Chinese style, and particularly the use of allusion which is so important in his technique. Ikkyuu and his non-conformism will strike a sympathetic chord in the modern reader. Students of Japanese literature and religion, culture and history will find Ikkyuu, a fascinating figure. And lovers of poetry will be inspired by his free spirit. ŸSonja Arntzen is Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Shuuichi Katoo, former Professor at Sophia University, Tokyo, is a distinguished scholar of Japanese literature.


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