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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/01 23:21:28 JSTLastUpdate:2021/03/05 21:42:22 JST
TITULO The Lake (š)
AUTOR Yasunari Kawabata
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-3001-0
NOTA (š)(Translated by Reiko Tsukimura)(LNI-0437L es mismo libro. Titulo original : ‚Ý‚¸‚¤‚Ý [Mizuumi], 1954)(The Lake is the story of a stalker. Homeless, a fugitive from an ambiguous crime, he has an incurable longing that drives him to trail certain women he meets as he wanders about. The longing is for something out of reach : a beauty admired from a distance, unconsummated.^@One girl in particular obsesses him, and he lies in wait for her, to watch her pass in her white sweater and dark red skirt, a little dog tugging at the leash...^@The Lake is one of the most modern of all this Nobel laureateLs novels. Just as the heroLs interest might be caught by some passing stranger, so the story swerves abruptly from present to past, from reality to fantasy. It is an extraordinary performance of free association, made all the more effective for the skill with which disparate episodes are worked together into a completed whole.^@ŸYasunari Kawabata was born in 1899. He described himself as a child Lwithout home or familyL and became, in the novelist MishimaLs words,La perpetual traveler.L He lost his parents in infancy, his grandmother and only sister died shortly afterward, and he was fourteen when his grandfather died.^@In 1917 he left his native Osaka to enter a school in Tokyo, and in 1927 --three years after graduating from Tokyo Imperial University-- he published a short novel, LThe Izu Dancer.L Probably his best-known work, LSnow Country,L was completed in 1947 and has come to typify the sense of loneliness and chilly lyricism associated with the world of Kawabata.^@LThe LakeL belongs to his most productive decade following the end of World War II and was first serialized in 1954, along with two other major works, LThe Master of GoL and LThe Sound of the MountainL ; his last two novels, LHouse of the Sleeping BeautiesL and LKotoL, were both published in the early sixties. Kawabata was made the first Japanese Nobel laureate for literature in 1968. He committed suicide in 1972.)


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