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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/08 00:28:38 JSTLastUpdate:2021/09/13 22:44:29 JST
TITULO The Makioka Sisters (š)
AUTOR Junichiro Tanizaki
ISBN 4-8053-0670-X
NOTA (š)(Este libro es version renovada de LNI-0105L.^@LNI-0547L es casi mismo libro.^@Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker^@Titulo original : ×á [Sasame-yuki]^@This is the story of the extinction of the once rich and haughty sisters of a great family through pride and over-refinement, and a recreation of the sumptuous, pleasure-filled upper-class life of Osaka just before the war. Tsuruko, the oldest sister, uncompromising, unadaptable, worn down by money troubles and a large family, is forced to move to the competitive world of Tokyo where the Makioka name means nothing. The second sister, Sachiko, is a woman of rare kindness and good sense, who tries her best to hold the family together and to preserve the wonderful life they knew as children.^@The central theme of the book is finding a husband for Yukiko, the third sister. She has all the accomplishments of an elegant Japanese lady, yet she finds the strength to refuse a long line of suitors. Taeko, the youngest sister, is a modern girl who tries to break away from her family and to establish herself in a career. She has a series of love affairs, bears a child, and ends up as the wife of a bartender. LThe Makioka SistersL is at once a work of art and a unique record of a period and a district.^@ŸJunichiro Tanizaki (1886-1965), widely considered one of JapanLs finest modern writers, was born in the heart of Tokyo. He studied Japanese literature at Tokyo Imperial University. After the earthquake of 1923, he moved to the more cultured Kyoto-Osaka region, the setting for LThe Makioka SistersL. His most important novels and stories, many reflecting his taste for sexual perversity, his eye for social comedy, and his bitter humor, were written after his move. He received the Imperial Prize for Literature in 1949.)


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