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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/08 00:43:34 JSTLastUpdate:2021/05/24 05:25:47 JST
TITULO The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (š)
AUTOR Yukio Mishima
ISBN 4-8053-0629-7
NOTA (š)(Este libro es version renovada del LNI-0077L.^Titulo original : ŒßŒã‚̉gq [Gogo no eikoo])(LThe Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the SeaL is a beautifully written, highly symbolic and multi-layered novel. The main character is Noboru, a bright, fatherless 13-year-old boy who joins a gang that despises the venalities and deceits of their society. However, he begins to idolize his motherLs lover, Ryuji, for his rugged sea-faring lifestyle, until one day, Noboru catches Ryuji in bed with his mother which is when the young boy realizes his hero has fallen from grace.^@Having seen that Ryuji has lost his love for the sea, Noboru, who has come to feel that only violence can grant him the power and control he seeks, realizes that RyujiLs only salvation lies in death. NoboruLs gang then plots to murder Ryuji so that his spirit may be saved.^@The book can thus be seen as a metaphor representing modern-day Japan ; a Japan that Mishima feels will only become truly great once more when she forcibly purges herself of all Western influence. Like all of MishimaLs works, this book is astounding in its juxtaposition of savage barbarism and lyrical beauty, with strong currents of eroticism throughout. A true tragedy but absolute collision between two strong minds and two contrasting worlds.^@ŸYukioMishima, born in Tokyo on January 14, 1925, was probably the most spectacularly talented young Japanese writer to emerge after World War II. MishimaLs first novel was published in 1948, shortly after he graduated from JapanLs prestigious University of Tokyo School of Jurisprudence.^@Upon leaving the university, he secured a highly coveted position in the Ministry of Finance, but he resigned after just nine months to devote himself fully to his writing. From the time he put pen to paper until his widely publicized death in 1970, he was a very prolific writer, producing some two dozen novels, more than 40 plays, over 90 short stories, several poetry and travel volumes, and hundreds of essays. His mastery won him many top literary awards, among them the 1954 Shinchosha Literary Prize for his novel LThe Sound of WavesL.^@Although critics are naturally divided on which of his many works is the ultimate masterpiece, Mishima himself regarded LThe Sea of FertilityL to be his finest effort. He completed his last volume, LThe Decay of the AngelL, on the day of his death by ritual suicide on November 25, 1970. MishimaLs writings have been compared to those of Proust, Gide, and Sartre, and his obsession with courage mirrors Ernest HemingwayLs.^@Today, more than three decades since his death, Yukio Mishima remains one of the pivotal figures of modern Japanese literature.)


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