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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/08 00:50:29 JSTLastUpdate:2021/05/24 05:57:10 JST
TITULO The Temple of Dawn (š)
AUTOR Yukio Mishima
ISBN 4-8053-0373-5
NOTA (š)(Translated by E. Dale Saunders and Cecilia Segawa Seigle)(Titulo original : ‹Å‚ÌŽ› [Akatsuki no Tera]^@The story of one manLs obsessive pursuit of a beautiful woman and his equally passionate search for enlightenment,LThe Temple of DawnL is also a powerful expression of the Japanese experience from the eve of the Second World War through the degradations of the post-war era. The novel opens in 1940 when Shigekuni Honda, a brilliant lawyer and a man of reason, arrives in Bangkok on business and obtains an audience with a Thai princess-- an encounter that radically changes his life.^@His conviction that the girl is a link in a chain of reincarnations shakes this humanist and skeptic so profoundly that he undertakes a long and arduous pilgrimage to the holy places of India, where he meets the princess once more. He returns a different man.^@LThe Temple of DawnL is a work illuminated by MishimaLs deep understanding of Buddhist philosophy and aesthetics-- and darkened by his apocalyptic vision of the destruction of the Japanese ethos.^@ŸYukio Mishima was born and raised in a samurai family and died a ritual suicide in 1970-- at the height of his literary career-- after having completed his tetralogy,LThe Sea of FertilityL, of which LThe Temple of DawnL is the third book. Three decades after his death, he remains one of the pivotal figures of modern Japanese literature.)


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