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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/08 01:08:24 JSTLastUpdate:2018/02/18 11:42:59 JST
TITULO Confessions of Love (š)
AUTOR Uno Chiyo (*)
ISBN 4-8053-0613-0
NOTA (*)(trans. by Phyllis Birnbaum) (š)(Titulo original : uF‚´‚ń‚°v 1.First published as LIro ZangeLin 1935,LConfessions of LoveL, like most of Chiyo UnoLs other writings, chronicles the stormy vicissitudes of love. It is based upon the sensational romantic career of the artist Togo Seiji, with whom Uno entered a five-year liaison just after Togo emerged alive from a highly publicized double suicide attempt. The narrator, named Yuasa Joji in the novel, is a familiar Japanese romantic hero, a weak man irresistible to women. Although Yuasa has a way with women, his charms are mixed with passivity. He whips his romances up to a crescendo but can take them no further and he shatters his own life as well as those of his lovers. LConfessions of LoveL is a chronicle of the 1920s, when so-called Lmodern girlsL, known for their bobbled hair as well as their attempts to challenge old and repressive attitudes about a womanLs place in society, flourished in Japan. It shows three independent, LmodernL women experimenting with new freedoms. It also reveals the folly and the inevitability of their attraction to underserving men like Yuasa, and the very human craziness of lovers as they try to settle matters between them. 2.Uno Chiyo [1897-1996], fashion ingenue, magazine editor, kimono designer, and prize-winning writer, was one of twentieth-century JapanLs most accomplished and celebrated women. Beautiful, passionate, and ever ready to shock, Uno earned early notoriety as a Lfemme fataleL--she married three times in an age when divorce was rare and adultery for women was a criminal offence--but it was as a writer that she won lasting recognition.)


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