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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/08 01:13:55 JSTLastUpdate:2023/10/26 00:06:47 JST
TITULO Modern Japanese Literature (From 1868 to the Present Day) (š)
AUTOR Donald Keene
ISBN 4-8053-0752-8
NOTA (š)(LModern Japanese LiteratureLis Donald KeeneLs critically acclaimed companion volume to his landmark work LAnthology of Japanese Literature : From the Earliest Era to the Mid-Nineteenth CenturyL. Now considered the standard canon of modern Japanese writing translated into English, the book includes concise introductions to the writers as well as an historical introduction by Professor Keene. Modern Japanese literature is the product of two great traditions : the native, which goes back 1300 years, and the Western, first introduced to Japan about 150 years ago. The combination of these very different traditions gave birth to a literature that stands as a unique product of the meeting of East and West. This volume is telling testimony to this historic meeting, and includes many works considered classics written from 1868 to the present day. Here in the stories, plays, and poetry of modern Japan is a mixture of the familiar and the strange that is fascinating in itself and an insightful guide to the thoughts and lives of Japanese today. The volume is sure proof that modern Japanese literature is an important part of the literary heritage of the world.^@ŸDonald Keene, one of the foremost Western authorities on Japanese literature, is widely regarded as AmericaLs pre-eminent cultural ambassador to Japan. Presently University Professor Emeritus and Shinto Professor Emeritus of Japanese Literature at Columbia University, he has written and translated over fifty books. The winner of numerous literary awards and prizes, including the Order of the Rising Sun, Professor Keene was the first non-Japanese to receive the Yomiuri Literary Prize for the best work of literary criticism in Japanese [in 1985 for LHyakudai no kakakuL]. In 1986, he was elected to the American Acedemy and Institute of Arts and Letters, and in 1990 was elected as a foreign member to the Japan Academy.^@¥CONTENTS^@œPreface@œIntroduction@œLKANAGAKI ROBUNL : The Beefeater@œLHATTORI BUSHOOL : The Western Peep Show@œLKAWATAKE MOKUAMIL : The Thieves@œModern Poetry in Chinese@œLTSUBOUCHI SHOOYOOL : The Essence of the Novel@œLFUTABATEI SHIMEIL : The Drifting Cloud@œLHIGUCHI ICHIYOOL : Growing Up@œLKUNIKIDA DOPPOL : Old Gen@œModern Haiku : I@œLNATSUME SOOSEKIL : Botchan@œLSHIMAZAKI TOOSONL : The Broken Commandment@œLTAYAMA KATAIL : One Soldier@œLNAGAI KAFUUL : The River Sumida@œModern Poetry : I@œModern Waka@œLISHIKAWA TAKUBOKUL : The Romaji Diary@œLMORI OOGAIL : The Wild Goose@œLIZUMI KYOOKAL : A Tale of Three Who Were Blind@œLNAKA KANSUKEL : Sanctuary@œLSHIGA NAOYAL : HanLs Crime@œLSHIGA NAOYAL : At Kinosaki@œLKIKUCHI KANL : The Madman on the Roof@œLKUME MASAOL : The Tiger@œLAKUTAGAWA RYUUNOSUKEL : Kesa and Moritoo@œLAKUTAGAWA RYUUNOSUKEL : Hell Screen@œLKOBAYASHI TAKIJIL : The Cannery Boat@œLYOKOMITSU RIICHIL : Time@œLHINO ASHIHEIL : Earth and Soldiers@œLKAWABATA YASUNARIL : The Mole@œModern Poetry : II@œModern Haiku : II@œLTANIZAKI JUNICHIROOL : The Firefly Hunt@œLTANIZAKI JUNICHIROOL : The Mother of Captain Shigemoto@œLDAZAI OSAMUL : VillonLs Wife@œLHAYASHI FUMIKOL : Tokyo@œLMISHIMA YUKIOL : Omi)


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