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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/08 01:56:51 JSTLastUpdate:2018/08/21 02:46:49 JST
TITULO The Hunter (A Detective Takako Otomichi Mystery) (š)
AUTOR Asa Nonami (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-3025-8
NOTA (*)(trans. by Juliet Winters Carpenter) (š)(Titulo original : Kogoeru Kiba [“€‚¦‚é‰å, 1996], 1.When Takako Otomichi chooses the career of detective, her family disapproves and her male colleagues refuse to take her seriously, especially hard-bitten old gumshoe Sergeant Tamotsu Takizawa, her reluctant partner on the hunt for a mysterious murderer whose grisly trademark is to rip out the throat of his victims. The pair must put their differences aside as their search for the killer takes them into TokyoLs seedy underworld of drugs, nightclubs, and teenage prostitution, and to the terrifying realization that the murderer is some kind of wild animal on the loose in the city streets. Before long, Takako is hot on the trail of her dangerous yet highly intelligent prey in a hair-raising journey that will bring her face-to-face with the killer and face-to-face with herself. LThe HunterL is a gripping mystery thriller that also delves deeply into the hearts and minds of its protagonists to create complex portraits of ordinary people struggling to balance the demands of work, family, and personal relationships. 2.Asa Nonami [”T“ìƒAƒT] was born in Tokyo in 1960, and won the First Japanese Mystery and Suspense Award with her debut novel LA Happy BreakfastL in 1988. LThe HunterL was awarded the prestigious Naoki prize in 1996, and has been translated into Chinese and Korean. Nonami is best known for mystery and suspense, although she writes in various genres and has around fifty works published.)


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