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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/12 00:26:16 JSTLastUpdate:2016/03/16 05:51:10 JST
TITULO Ellery QueenLs Japanese Detective Stories (š)
AUTOR Ellery Queen (š)
ISBN 4-8053-0851-6
NOTA (š)(1.LEllery QueenL was the pseudonym of writers Frederic Dannay[1905-82] and Manfred Bennington Lee[1905-71], two cousins who were working in New York as advertising agents in the late 1920s, as well as the name of one of the most successful classical detectiveLfiguresLin the history of American detective fiction. Dannay and LeeLs masterfully plotted stories, in which the mystery was always far more important than the characterization, social relevance, or great writing, and their efforts to nurture and promote detective fiction gave rise to one of the most famous quotes in the history of the genre, and one of the truest : LEllery Queen IS the American detective storyL. 2.Japan, with its cacophony of humming factories, boisterous nightspots, and silent, sober tea rooms, temples, and gardens, is one of the most crime-free societies in the world today -hardly fertile soil for the well-tuned tale of murder and mystery-- yet the stories in this volume, written by award-winning Japanese writers, are as entertaining, perplexing, and homicidal as those of the best Western writers. Although malice and murder are inescapably international, motives often differ from East to West, and many of the stories in this book explore a criminal psychology that is uniquely Japanese. Here we have crimes provoked by shame or pride, by an avenging or sacrificial spirit, by fierce loyalty or fear of betrayal. In this first major attempt to introduce mystery writers and readers throughout the world to a completely new and provocative collection of styles, motives and victims, compiler Ellery Queen selected a dozen first-rate mysteries from among 2500 detective-crime-mystery stories published in Japan in the 1970s that are sure to delight and befuddle the devotee.)


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