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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/05/12 04:56:53 JSTLastUpdate:2021/03/11 23:04:56 JST
TITULO Kwaidan (Stories and Studies of Strange Things) (š)
AUTOR Lafcadio Hearn
ISBN 978-4-8053-0750-2
NOTA (š)(Titulo original : ‰ö’k[Kaidan]^@Known primarily as an early interpreter of Japanese culture and customs, the famous writer Lafcadio Hearn also wrote ghost stories -Ldelicate, transparent, ghostly sketchesL- about his adopted land. Many of the stories in Kwaidan,Lstories and studies of strange thingsL, are based on Japanese tales of long ago told to him by his wife ; others possibly have a Chinese origin.^@All have been recolored and reshaped by HearnLs inimitable hand. Some critics attribute HearnLs fascination with eerie tales to his partial blindness. Whatever its roots, he was clearly drawn to the hidden realms of the spirit world and to strange facts and marvels.^@In this collection of unforgettably haunting stories, Hearn brings together Lthe meeting of three waysL --the austere dreams of India, the subtle beauty of Japan, and the relentless science of the Western world.^@ŸLafcadio Hearn [1850-1904], born in Greece to an Anglo-Irish father and a Greek mother, was brought up in Greece and Ireland. He moved to the US when he was nineteen, and then to Japan in 1890, where he spent the rest of his life teaching and writing.^@Hearn was one of the first great interpreters of things Japanese for Western readers. His long residence in Japan, combined with his perfect insight and sympathy, keen intellect, poetic imagination, and clear writing style have ensured him a devoted readership among both foreigners and Japanese for over a century.^@¥TABLE OF CONTENTS^@KWAIDAN^œThe Story of Mimi-nashi-Hooichi@œOshidori@œThe Story of O-tei@œUbazakura@œDiplomacy@œOf a Mirror and a Bell@œJikininki@œMujina@œRokuro-kubi@œA Dead Secret@œYuki-onna@œThe Story of Aoyagi@œJiu-roku-zakura@œThe Dream of Akinosuke@œRiki-baka@œHi-mawari@œHoorai@INSECT-STUDIES^œButterflies@œMosquitoes@œAnts)


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