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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/07/05 03:25:52 JSTLastUpdate:2015/12/23 05:50:21 JST
TITULO You Were Born For A Reason (The Real Purpose of Life) (š)
AUTOR Kentetsu Takamori, Daiji Akehashi, etc.
EDITORIAL Ichimannendo Publishing
ISBN 978-0-9790471-0-7
NOTA (š)(1.As human beings, we have one thing in common : we search all our lives for lasting happiness.LYou were born for a reason Ltells us that happiness can indeed be found. But it is not found in the places we ordinarily look, such as status, achievements, or family. This book, which has sold nearly half a million copies since its original publication in Japan, shows us how to navigate lifeLs obstacles from a deep and abiding source of inner peace. The authors -a Buddhist teacher, a psychotherapist, and a philosopher- bring their combined wisdom to bear on the age-old question : what is the purpose of life? They direct us toward answers contained in often-overlooked Buddhist teachings- specifically, in the words of Shinran, who is the founder of Jodo Shinshu, the largest of JapanLs schools of Buddhism. In clear and compelling language,LYou were born for a reasonLshows why human life is not only meaningful, but infinitely precious. It considers the many ills that plague modern society -suicide, murder, angst, a constant sense of futility- and guides us to the enduring truths that can renew our hearts and finally provide real happiness. 2.(From the text)Sakyamuni Buddha taught,LThe outgoing breath awaits not the incoming breath, and so life ends.LDeath may be but a single breath away. Fail to take in the next breath, and immediately your afterlife begins. Each breath you exhale and inhale brushes shoulders with death. On December 31, one second after 23:59L59LLit is 00:00L00LL. At the same instant, the thirty-first changes to the first, December gives way to January, and one year yield to the next. In the same way, this life transforms into the next life in the space of an instant. If you do not achieve the purpose of life now, when will you? When can you? Now is your only chance, for untold ages to come. Gaze steadily at the shadow of impermanence drawing closer every moment, and have no regrets. )


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