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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 02:24:18 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/29 03:24:43 JST
TITULO Rural Society in Japan (š)
AUTOR Tadashi Fukutake
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-266-0
NOTA (š)(LFL-0076L es mismo libro.)(JapanLs phenomenal economic growth in the past two decades has had a great impact on both rural society and agriculture. Farm household income has increased, placing the farmer on a par with workers in other sectors of the economy. The farmerLs work and life style have changed : the frugal, hardworking farmer has been transformed into a part-time farmer who commutes to a job in the city, whose children are educated, who possesses sundry household appliances, owns a car, and has time for recreation --such as visiting the local city or even traveling abroad. Not all the changes in rural society have necessarily bben for the better. As a consequence of rapid economic growth, imbalances have been created between agriculture and other sectors. In national politics, interest revolves around big business, and farming is no longer a top priority. The small size of farms, a factor that has held back agricultural development for centuries, remains a problem. The farmer has turned to non-farm work only because he must augment an inadequate farm income. Children are abandoning the farms for life in the city, and farmers are hard pressed to find reliable successors. Who will be the farmers of tomorrow, and what provisions will be made to assure a prosperous future for agriculture? In this book, an eminent rural sociologist describes the magnitude of problems that confront rural society and agriculture today. He is harsh in his criticism of givernment farm policies and warns that unless rural problems are solved by careful and long-range planning, the future prospects of Japanese agriculture are not promising.@ŸTadashi Fukutake is professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo.@¥CONTENTS^@œ1.CHANGE IN RURAL SOCIETY^Development of Postwar Agriculture^Social Change in the Village^@œ2.LIFE OF THE FARM FAMILY^The Prewar Family System^Change in Family Life^Kinship Groups^@œ3.THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF THE HAMLET^Social Characteristics^Social Groups in the Hamlet^Institutions of Hamlet Self-Government and Their Operations^The Power Structure of the Hamlet^@œ4.THE POLITICAL STRUCTURE OF THE RURAL VILLAGE^The Prewar Village^Postwar Change in Village Government^Farm Village and Local Government Today^@œ5.NATIONAL POLITICS AND THE VILLAGE^National Politics and the Farmer^Political Attitudes of the Farmer^)


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