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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 02:26:30 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/10 00:39:59 JST
TITULO Health snd Illness in Changing Japanese Society (š)
AUTOR Kyoichi Sonoda
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-424-8
NOTA (š)(Health, illness, and medical care have become major problems in industrialized countries as the average age of the population increases, the cost of medical care rises, and the numbers of people who must be cared for by health-care facilities multiplies. These are in one sense medical problems, but they are also social problems with their roots in social and cultural changes.Their solutions must also have social and cultural components. This book describes health problems and medical care issues in Japan, tracing them to their origins in cultural patterns and social changes. The author discusses a number of specific problems in health, and illness (for example, community health care, pollution-related disorders, and use of traditional remedies) from the point of view of medical sociology, and compares JapanLs experience with that of other countries.@ŸKyoichi Sonoda is Professor of Health Sociology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo.@¥CONTENTS^@œURBANIZATION AND HEALTH : PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS^Physical and Economic Variables^Social and Cultural Issues^Mortality^Injuries and Diseases^Health Care Availability and Consumer Responses^Conclusion^@œCHANGE IN THE FAMILY AND COMMUNITY : THE QUEST FOR NEW SOLIDARITY^Change in the Family^Working Women and the Family^Changes in Family Roles^Changes in Life and Community^Breaking Ground for the New Community^@œHEALTH TRENDS AND PROBLEMS OF MEDICAL CARE^Disease Incidence Rates and the Utilization of Medical Care^Causes for the Rise in Disease Incidence and the Utilization of Medical Care^Burgeoning Health Costs^Rationalizing Medical Care Costs^@œHEALTH CARE FOR THE ELDERLY IN JAPAN : A COMPARISON WITH DEVELOPMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES^Changes in Health Policies for the Elderly^Health Care for the Aged in the United States^Comparison of Health Activities in Japan and the United States^Health Insurance and Welfare for the Elderly^@œCOMMUNITY HEALTH AND MEDICINE^Types of Community Health and Medical Care^Changing Disease Structures and Perceptions of Health Care^Developments in Health and Medical Technology and Community Medicine^The Need for More LUnprofitableL Medical Services^Individual Participation in Health Care and Medical Treatment^@œTRADITIONAL MEDICINE AND METHODS OF TREATMENT^Western vs. Traditional Medicine^The Choice of Non-clinical Treatment^Other Forms of Treatment and Health Promotion^Actions^Characteristics of Reliance on Traditional Methods of Treatment^@œSMON AND OTHER SOCIALLY INDUCED DISEASES IN JAPAN^Background^Research Fields, Methods, and Topics^PatientsL Physical Conditions and Inconveniences^Changes in Lifestyle Resulting from SMON Disease^Social Prejudice Experienced by SMON Patients^Responses of SMON Patients^Survey of Doctors and Medical Institutions^Basis for Measures Taken against Diseases^Problems of Social Aid and Compensation^Certification of Patients and Diagnostic Criteria^Delay of Aid and Compensation^General Accord on Compensation for SMON Victims^Conclusion^@œTHREE MEDICAL SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES : WOMEN SMOKERS, HEALTH CHECKUPS, AND RELIANCE ON MEDICATIONS^WomenLs Smoking : A Study of Nursing Students^Urban Residents and Health Checkups^Relying on Medication for Health^@œTHE ROLE OF CATV AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA IN HEALTH EDUCATION^Methods^Results^@œREVIEW AND FUTURE PROSPECTS OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY IN JAPAN^Before the 1960s : Public Health, Mental Health and Nursing^The First Half of the 1970s^The Latter Half of the 1970s^The First Half of the 1980s^The Latter Half of the 1980s^@œBIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS IN ENGLISH^@œPREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE PAPERS IN THIS VOLUME^)


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