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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 09:52:15 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/07 22:25:10 JST
TITULO Psychology of the Japanese People ()
AUTOR Hiroshi Minami
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 3011-17031-5149 (UTP)
NOTA ()(Translated by Albert R.Ikoma, under the auspices of the East-West Center)(Titulo original : {l̐S [Nihonjin no shinri, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1953])(An unprecedented economic growth rate that miraculously followed a calamitous war has thrust Japan to the forefront of the worldLs stage, baring its people to scrutiny by admirers and detractors alike. Yet despite the resulting proliferation of psychological studies of the Japanese, few depart so radically from traditional research methods as this provocative study by a noted Japanese psychologist. The author takes a long look at deep-seated traditional attitudes and changes stemming from the onslaught of modernity, drawing upon contemporary material in examining self-consciousness, happiness and unhappiness, and social relationships. Originally intended to guide the Japanese in self-examination, these observations provide valuable insights into the Japanese and their mentality. Professor Minami, a pioneer of western psychology in Japan, was at Cornell University in upstate New York during the Second World War.@CONTENTS^@Foreword^@Preface to the English Edition^@Preface to the Original Edition^@1.The Japanese Self^@2.The Sense of Happiness^@3.The Sense of Unhappiness^@4.Irrationalism and Rationalism^@5.Spiritualism and physicality^@6.Human Relationships^@Conclusion^)


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