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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 09:58:26 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/19 00:34:01 JST
TITULO The Japanese People (Origins of the People and the Language) (š)
AUTOR Isao Komatsu
EDITORIAL Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(This little article aims to give a perspective on some of the most difficult problems concerning the origin of the Japanese people and the language. The study on the origin of the Japanese people is far from complete. All we can do at the present stage of knowledge is to think up all the possibilities and list out all the theories. Recent discoveries on the presence of Paleolithic culture in Japan may shed some light on this problem in future.@^The Japanese language may be the one independently developed in this isolated island country. Strenuous efforts given to the study on ancient Japanese, language drift, local dialects as well as on neighboring languages are now revealing the relation between Japanese and other language stocks. Some linguists consider the Ural-Altaic influence from the north has been the most dominant one in the formation of Japanese. Others find cognate language groups in the southern Tibeto-Polynesian language stock. Simple accounts on these and other opinions are presented here. [from LPREFACEL, Isao Komatsu, Professor of the University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, March, 1962]@¥CONTENTS^@œI.THE JAPANESE PEOPLE^The Earliest Inhabitant of Japan^The People in the Neolithic Period^The People in the Bronze-Iron Age^The People in the Protohistoric Period^The Japanese People in Historic Ages^Racial Characteristics of the Modern Japanese^Some Disputes on the Antiquity of the Neolithic Ages in Japan^@œII.THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE^The Characteristics of the Japanese Language^The History of the Japanese Language^Local Dialects^The Origin of the Japanese Language^The Establishment of the Japanese Language^Glottochronological Studies^Some Peculiar Characteristics of the Japanese Language^Modern Common Japanese^Simplified Japanese^)


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