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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 10:05:04 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/29 02:20:23 JST
TITULO Japanese Society (š)
AUTOR Chie Nakane
EDITORIAL Weidenfeld And Nicolson
ISBN 297-00138-8
NOTA (š)(LHC-0321L es version renovada de este libro.)(Japan constitutes a striking counter example to most theories about modern society. In this book Chie Nakane, a Japanese sociologist, presents a structural image of Japanese society and points out those features which distinguish it from other complex societies. Her central theme --the working of the vertical principle in relationships-- is approached through a structural analysis rather than through a cultural or historical explanation. But she shows that the structural continuity of group dynamics can be found in traditional or rural Japanese communities as well as in modern or urban groups. The persistance of the vertical relationships of individuals, one to one, within social groupings gives Japanese society its unique character and differentiates it from class or caste societies. The book will appeal not only to sociologists or those interested in Japan but to all who are interested in the way in which social traditions differ and how they are assimilated into modern industrial society. Chie Nakane is Professor of Social Anthropology at the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo. She was formerly Lecturer in Asian Anthropology at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and Visiting Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. She is the author of LKinship and Economic Organization in Rural Japan [1967]L and LGaro and Khasi --A Comparative Study in Matrilinear Systems [1967]L.LJapanese SocietyL was published in Japan in 1967 under the titleLTateshakai no ningenkankeiL.)


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