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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 10:08:27 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/30 23:17:12 JST
TITULO JapanLs New Middle Class (The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb) (š)
AUTOR Ezra F. Vogel
EDITORIAL University of California Press
ISBN 0-520-02100-2
NOTA (š)(V‚µ‚¢’†ŽYŠK‹‰)(This study, based on field work which my wife and I conducted in Japan from 1958 to 1960, is an attempt to describe the life of the salary man and his family. In our field work, in order to penetrate beyond superficial appearances and to develop an intimate familiarity with a number of families, we focused particularly on one community where we lived for the last year of our study. We shall call our community Mamachi. Such an intensive study has required the closest co-operation of many Mamachi families. The residents of Mamachi do not take obligation lightly, and we, too, cannot take lightly the fact that we can never repay adequately their kindness and the inconveniences we caused them. We can only hope to prove worthy of their time and effort by portraying their lives as accurately as we know how without sacrificing their anonymity. To these unnamed families, then, we express our deepest thanks.^@During the period of field work, the Japanese National Institute of Mental Health provided office space, made arrangements for our field work, made available their case materials, permitted my wife to be the psychiatric social worker for a patient on a regular basis, and accorded us the full privileges of regular staff members. Various members of the staff explained intricacies of their cases, gave and interpreted projective tests to families in our study, and patiently answered an endless number of questions. [from LACKNOWLEDGEMENTSL]@¥CONTENTS^@œPART ONE : THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SALARY^I.The Problem and Its Setting^II.The Bureaucratic Setting in Perspective^III.The Gateway to Salary : Infernal Entrance Examinations (Preparing for and Taking Examinations, The FamilyLs Contribution : Maternal Involvement, The SchoolLs Contribution : Teacher Involvement, Mitigating the Harshness, The Hypertrophy of Examinations, Achievement Without Rivalry)^@œPART TWO : THE FAMILY AND OTHER SOCIAL SYSTEMS^IV.The ConsumerLs LBright New LifeL^V.Families View Their Government (The National Identity, The Role of the Citizen, Salary and the Moderation of Alienation)^VI.Community Relationships (The Separate Communities of Husbands, Wives, and Children / The Narrow World)^VII.Basic Values (Loyalty, Competence, A Major Variation : Aesthetic Values, The Moral Basis of the Salary Man)^@œPART THREE : INTERNAL FAMILY PROCESSES^VIII.The Decline of the LIeL Ideal (The Concept of LIeL, The Branch, The Decline of the Ie Authority and Welfare, Symbolic Remnants, The Decline of Family Principles)^IX.The Division of Labor in the Home^X.Authority in the Family (The Tradition of LMale DominanceL, Maintenance of Decentralized Authority, The Nature and Exercise of the HusbandLs Authority, The Art of Husband Management, The Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law)^XI.Family Solidarity (The Household Unit, The Basic Alignment : Mother and Children vs. Father, Husband and Wife : Increasing Privacy and Intimacy, Coalitions with Grandparents)^XII.Child-Rearing (The Basic Relationship : Mutual Dependency of Mother and Child, Variations on a Theme : Birth Order, Sex, and Parentage, The Father, Getting the Child to Understand, Getting the ChildLs Co-operation in Study)^@œPART FOUR : MAMACHI IN PERSPECTIVE^XIII.Order amidst Rapid Social Change^@œPART FIVE : MAMACHI REVISITED^XIV.Beyond Salary (A New Confidence in Old Mamachi, Salary Without Visions, Approaching Affluence, The Growth of National Pride, LMy-Home-ismL : Old Wine in New Bottles)^)


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