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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 11:02:00 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/06 04:52:39 JST
TITULO Japan Before Tokugawa (Political Consolidation and Economic Growth, 1500 to 1650)(š)
AUTOR John Whitney Hall, Nagahara Keiji and Kozo Yamamura
EDITORIAL Princeton University Press
ISBN 0-691-10216-3
NOTA (š)(These papers by leading specialists on sixteenth-century Japan explore JapanLs transition from medieval (Chuusei) to early modern (Kinsei) society. During this time, regional lords (daimyo) first battled for local autonomy and then for national supremacy. In the process, Japanese society was greatly transformed. Focusing on this transformation, these scholars bring to light the importance of the sixteenth century for Japanese history. The essays cover the following topics : how two great daimyo came into existence and held on to their extensive domains ; two special aspects --house laws and regulation of trade-- of daimyo rule ; the political, social, and economic policies of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi ; the maturation of the LbakuhanLsystem under the Tokugawa shogunate ; and the nature of urban and economic growth that accompanied the transformation of the political order from Chuusei to Kinsei times. In addition to the editors, the contributors include : Matsuoka Hisato, Katsumata Shizuo, Sasaki Gin-ya, Fujiki Hisashi, Wakita Osamu, Asao Naohiro, Sasaki Junnosuke, and Wakita Haruko. John Whitney Hall is A. Whitney Griswold Professor of History at Yale University. Nagahara Keiji is Professor of Economics at Hitotsubashi University in Japan. Kozo Yamamura is Professor of Asian Studies and Economics at the University of Washington.)


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