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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 11:18:51 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/13 00:18:08 JST
TITULO JapanLs Renaissance (The Politics of Muromachi Bakufu) (š)
AUTOR Kenneth Alan Grossberg
EDITORIAL Harvard University Press
ISBN 0-674-47251-9
NOTA (š)(CONTENTS@¥1.The Muromachi Period in Japanese History〜The Muromachi Period in Japanese Scholarship@¥2.The Ashikaga Shogun in Muromachi Japan〜Components of Shogunal Authority, Feudal-Bureaucratic Confrontation : Takauji versus Tadayoshi, The Muromachi Synthesis of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, YoshimochiLs Shogunate, The Shogun as Autocrat : Ashikaga Yoshinori, The Decline of Shogunal Autocracy : Ashikaga Yoshimasa@¥3.Muromachi Economy and Bakufu Income〜Agrarian Revenue, Commercial Revenue, The Gozan Monasteries@¥4.The Bakufu System : Bureaucracy and Administration〜Early Organization, Bureaucratic Expansion Under Yoshimitsu, Bureaucratic Supremacy Under Yoshinori, The Endurance of Bakufu Bureaucratic Institutions@¥5.The Bakufu System : Military Organization〜Shugo and LSamuraidokoroL, The ShogunLs New Army@¥6.The Muromachi Bakufu In Comparative Perspective〜Shogun, Bakufu, and Shugo : The Shifting Balance, Economic Policy, Revenue, and Shogunal Power, The Shogunal Army, The Ashikaga Legacy : Success Within Failure@¥7.A Concluding Note On Feudalism And Decentralization)


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