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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/14 11:25:51 JSTLastUpdate:2018/12/18 00:01:27 JST
TITULO Five Political Leaders of Modern Japan (š)
AUTOR Yoshitake Oka
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-379-9
NOTA (š)(Ito Hirobumi, Okuma Shigenobu, Hara Takashi, Inukai Tsuyoshi, Saionji Kinmochi) (This book is a study of five political leaders who played major roles in shaping the history of modern Japan : Ito Hirobumi, Okuma Shigenobu, Hara Takashi, Inukai Tsuyoshi, and Saionji Kimmochi. Each served as prime minister at least once during his career and even while out of office held considerable influence in the political world. Ito was the nationLs first prime minister and father of the Meiji Constitution, and Okuma retains his reputation as a champion of constitutional government. Hara and Inukai were LcommonerLprime ministers and as capable party leaders were strong promoters of party government. Saionji, the liberal aristocrat, left his mark late in life as the genroo who in a militaristic era sought to keep his country on a path of international peace. The five chapters in this book are case studies of political leadership, as seen in terms of specific historical events and people. Appraising the role of personality in politics is a major concern of the author, and he describes the way the five men responded to circumstances, their political roles, and their final fates. The book also provides a succinct account of the nationLs political development from 1860 to 1940. The fateful progress from early promise to catastrophic disaster is vividly portrayed in ways that prompt useful reflection on the past and future of JapanLs political world. Yoshitake Oka is Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo and member of the Japan Academy.)


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