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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/09/13 02:48:40 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/13 21:43:01 JST
TITULO Introduction to Earthquake Engineering (š)
AUTOR Shunzo Okamoto
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-068104-4
NOTA (š)(This volume is the first reliable and comprehensive study covering the design of earthquake-resistant buildings and other structures. Its 17 chapters outline earthquake-related geophysics ; the seismicity of Japan ; recent earthquakes in Japan and the resulting damage ; the relationship between the ground and earthquake motion ; earthquake-resistant design in general ; aseismic problems of soil structures ; and the resistance of structure such as roads, railroads, river structures, port and harbor structures, bridges, concrete gravity dams, arch dams, embanking dams, water works, underground structures and buildings. New information on recent earthquakes and the latest design techniques has been incorporated in this second edition.^@ŸShunzoo Okamoto^Ph.D. Engineering^Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo^Professor Emeritus, University of Saitama^Honorary Member, The Japan Society of Civil Engineers^Consultative Member, International Association for Earthquake Engineering^Director (1969-1973), International Association for Earthquake Engineering^President (1972-1973), The Japan Society of Civil Engineers^President (1974-1980), University of Saitama^@¥CONTENTS^@œCHAPTER 1.EARTHQUAKES^Structures of the Earth^History of the Earth^Earthquakes^Propagation of Seismic Waves^Earthquake Phenomena^Observation of Seismic Tremors^@œCHAPTER 2.EARTHQUAKE INTENSITY^Seismic Intensity^Earthquake Parameters^Attenuation of Maximum Seismic Displacement and Its Related Problems^@œCHAPTER 3.SEISMICITY OF JAPAN^Introduction^Chronology of Earthquake Occurrence^Distribution of Epicenters^Expectancy of Earthquake Risk^@œCHAPTER 4.GREAT EARTHQUAKES IN JAPAN AND RESULTING DAMAGES^Introduction^Noobi Earthquake (1891)^Kantoo Earthquake (1923)^Kita-Tango Earthquake (1927)^Sanriku Tsunamis (1933)^Nankai Earthquake (1946)^Fukui Earthquake (1948)^Niigata Earthquake (1964)^Tokachi-oki Earthquake (1968)^Izu-ohshima-kinkai Earthquake (1978)^Miyagiken-oki Earthquake (1978)^@œCHAPTER 5.INFLUENCE OF GROUND CONDITIONS ON EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTION^Introduction^Earthquake Motion in Alluvial Ground^Earthquake Motion in Rocky Areas^Propagation of Elastic Waves^Multi-Reflection of Wave Motion in the Surface Layer^Two-Dimentional Elastic Waves^@œCHAPTER 6.DESIGN EARTHQUAKE MOTION^Introduction^Intensity of the Earthquake for Design^Attenuation of Seismic Intensity with Epicentral Distance^Waveform of Earthquake Motion^Earthquake Motion in the Vicinity of the Epicenter^Source Mechanism of Earthquakes^@œCHAPTER 7.EARTHQUAKE-RESISTANT DESIGN PROCEDURES^Seismic Coefficient Method^Dynamic Analysis of Elastic Structures^Earthquake-Resistant Design Using Response Spectrum^Dynamic Analysis of an Inelastic Structure^@œCHAPTER 8.ASPECTS OF SOIL DURING EARTHQUAKES^Introduction^Dynamic Properties of Soil^Stability of Slopes^Earth Pressure Applied to Retaining Wall^Bearing Power of Ground^Failure of the Ground^@œ9.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF ROADS, RAILWAYS AND RIVERS^Roads and Railways^Derailment and Overturning of Trains^Rivers^@œCHAPTER 10.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES^Introduction^Reclaimed Land and Breakwaters^Gravity-type Quaywall^Sheet-pile Bulkhead^Landing Pier-type Quaywall^@œCHAPTER 11.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF BRIDGES^Earthquake Damage to Girder Bridges^Analysis of Vibration of Girder Bridges^Field Study of Girder Bridges^Earthquake-Resistant Design of Superstructures^Earthquake-Resistant Design of Foundations^Arch Bridges and Suspension Bridges^@œCHAPTER 12.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE GRAVITY DAMS^General^Earthquake Damage to Concrete Gravity Dams^Seismic Forces Acting on Concrete Gravity Dams^Earthquake-Resistant Design of Concrete Gravity Dams^@œCHAPTER 13.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF ARCH DAMS^Introduction^Method of Analysis of Dam Vibration^Behavior of Dams during Earthquakes^Earthquake-Resistant Design of Arch Dams^@œCHAPTER 14.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF EMBANKMENT DAMS^Earthquake Damage^Method of Vibration Analysis^Dynamic Behaviors of Embankment Dams during Earthquakes^Failure of Dams^Earthquake-Resistant Design^@œCHAPTER 15.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES^General^Earthquake Damage to Underground Structures^Stresses during Earthquakes on Areas around Underground Cavities^Measurement of Vibrations of an Underground Structure Due to Earthquakes^Earthquake Resistance of Submerged Tunnels^@œCHAPTER 16.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF WATERWORKS^Introduction^Underground Pipelines^Reservoirs^Aqueducts and Inverted Siphons^Water Tanks^Earthquake Resistance of Network Systems^@œCHAPTER 17.EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE OF BUILDINGS^General^Design Method Using the Lateral Seismic Shear Coefficient^Methods of Dynamic Design^Special Buildings^)


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