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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/09/13 03:00:16 JSTLastUpdate:2020/12/18 22:16:25 JST
TITULO Japan´s High Technology Industries (Lessons and Limitations of Industrial Policy)(★)
AUTOR Edited by Hugh Patrick with the assistance of Larry Meissner
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-047037-X
NOTA (★)(High technology industries, industrial policy, and the Japanese economy are all important subjects. When the three topics are combined the result is a new and qualitatively different subject of deep concern, both intellectually and in terms of United States public policy debate and formulation. This book provides a careful, objective analysis and evaluation of Japanese high technology industrial policy and assesses its relevance for the United States./ This volume, the result of a project sponsored by the Committee on Japanese Studies, brings the perspectives, skills, and knowledge of a wide range of outstanding specialists on various dimensions of Japanese industrial policy to a consideration of issues of prime importance to American policy makers, businessmen, economists, and political scientists./ It begins with an overview of Japan´s industrial policies for its high tech industries and a critical evaluation of the most significant policy issues. This is followed by chapters that include in-depth analyses of the industrial policies and their effects on specific Japanese high technology industries, an analysis of differences between the economic conditions of the U.S. and Japan, and a comparison of Japanese and American antitrust policies. A final chapter addresses the general question of what lessons can be drawn for the U.S. from Japanese government support of high technology industries./ ◆Hugh Patrick is R.D. Calkins Professor of International Business in the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. The other contributors are Daniel I. Okimoto, associate professor of political science and co-director of the Northeast Asia-U.S. Forum on International Policy at Stanford University ; Gary Saxonhouse, professor of economics, University of Michigan and chairman of the Committee on Japanese Economic Studies ; Ken-ichi Imai, professor in the Institute of Business Research, Hitotsubashi University and chairman of the MITI New Media Advisory Committee of the Japanese government ; Kozo Yamamura, professor in the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington ; Yasusuke Murakami, professor of social sciences, School of Liberal arts, University of Tokyo ; George Eads, dean of the School of Public Affairs at the University of Maryland ; and Richard Nelson, Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Professor of Social Sciences in the department of economics, Yale University./ ▼CONTENTS/ 1.Japanese High Technology Industrial Policy in Comparative Context (Hugh Patrick)/ 2.Regime Characteristics of Japanese Industrial Policy (Daniel I. Okimoto)/ 3.Industrial Policy and Factor Markets : Biotechnology in Japan and the United States (Gary R. Saxonhouse)/ 4.Japan´s Industrial Policy for High Technology Industry (Ken-ichi Imai)/ 5.Joint Research and Antitrust : Japanese vs. American Strategies (Kozo Yamamura)/ 6.Technology in Transition : Two Perspectives on Industrial Policy (Yasusuke Murakami)/ 7.Japanese High Technology Policy : What Lessons for the United States? (George C. Eads and Richard R. Nelson)/)


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